30. wishing is a waste of time

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"The family is going to press charges." Draco muttered.

Pansy stood up immediately "Draco, you could into Azkaban!"

"I know. I don't regret what I did. I'll go if I have to."

"Draco, this is Azkaban. I don't want to watch you be destroyed. You're my best mate." She exclaimed.

"I'll go. I'll have to. I-"

"Not if we report him now." I whispered.

The both looked over to me, eyes widened.

"Y/n... would you be ok with that? Are you ready?" He asked concerned.

I flopped down onto one of the wooden chairs, "I don't know. But you can't go there, I've seen what it does to people I can't loose you. "

Draco passed me a slice of toast which I hid under the table. Just the thought of food made me feel sick.

"You two could flee the country?" Pansy suggested.

"The press would have a field day, y/n y/l/n, rape victim to mystery boy." Draco ranted quietly.

"Earth to Draco, did you hear what I said?" Pansy yelled.

He jerked out of his rant, "what?"

"She said we could flee the country." I said, doubtfully.

Draco sighed sitting in the chair next to mine. He slowly placed his hand on my lap glancing at me to see of that was ok. I nodded my head and placed my hand on top of his.

"I don't think that's an option. He sighed. "We can't run forever. The best bet would be to go to the ministry."

"Can I think about it?" I asked, shyly.

"He says we have two days. The sooner the better love." Draco muttered.

"Don't pressure her!" Pansy snapped. "Y/n. It might be your only choice."

How fucking hypocritical.

"Even if we went to the ministry you could still go to Azkaban." I exclaimed.

Pansy sat down opposite us with a glass of wine, "money is power. Wine?"

"God yes." I said taking the wineglass and downing it.


Draco stood up without a word and headed for the staircase, I carefully followed after him. "Are you ok?" I whispered gently.

He stopped walking and leaned against the wall, "No." He chocked.

I pressed my hand against his back gently, "it's going to be ok." I cooed. "We're going to be ok."

"You know people keep saying that, over and over again but everything only gets worse." He sighed.

I pressed my head against his chest feeling his hands roam my waist gently.

He moved my hair behind my ear, "God I miss you. Everything about you."

"Well you have me now, don't you? And I don't plan on ever going away." I whispered to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Can I kiss you?"

I laughed gently at his ask, "yes."

His lips pecked mine gently, not going too fast as not to scare me.

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