1. the new job

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The rain was pouring and I was hiding under my bag to keep dry, the only reason I was here was to find some bloody skirts for Hogwarts. I'd bought several the week before but my Step-Father felt the need to inform me they were too short and gave me six galleons to get more.

"Papers! Papers! Get your daily prophet here!" a little dwarf with a green waistcoat called out to me, desperately waving the clusters of paper in his small hands.

"I'll take one sir" I said, taking a daily prophet off the stand.

I opened it to the job opening section and scanned it hungrily. I was looking for a summer job to save up enough for quidditch tickets. My parents kept harping on about the value of money and how I need a job all the adult stuff that they insisted I should understand, finally I gave in to them and began searching.

Gold keeper, broom polisher, Auror, assistant for the Malfoy family, couldren clea- hang on a second. Assistant for the Malfoys? I looked at the advert 3 galleons a day!

''Good enough." I whispered.

As soon as I got home I found the address in my mothers book and sent of an owl to the Malfoys, I knew my parents would approve of this, the Malfoy's and the y/l/n's were old friends, the family connection went years back. Feeling the excitement bubbling within me, I decided to go tell my parents.

''Mother, Father guess wh-" I ran down the wooden staircase at an alarming rate and arrived in the dining room below. There sat at the mahogany table was my Mother, Step-Father and Lucius Malfoy in deep conversation.

"Hello y/n" Lucius said as he stood and opened his arms to me. I gingerly dipped my head remembering the years of being told to respect my elders with a head dip, and stepped forward to hug him. His strong arms wrapping around my body. The overbearing scent of cigar smoke hit my senses and I could practically smell the dark magic clinging onto the material of his coat. I stifled a cough mad continued to let him awkwardly hug me.

"It's wonderful to see you Mr Malfoy" I mumbled, breaking the hug and brushing down my dress.

"Wondeful to see you too y/n, when was the last time we saw you? The Parkinson's house I think."

"Yes that's right." I nodded.

"I was just talking to your parents they told me you were looking for a job? We have an opening in the Manor that might suit you. Are you interested?"

"That's funny I just sent off a letter to Narcissia! I'd love to."

"So you'd be willing for the job? From what I've heard you are a very talented young woman. With a love for fashion... I'm sure Narcissia would be happy to help."

I smiled at him, "I would love to. Thank you."

''Be ready tomorrow morning 10 am sharp. I will see you at the next gala, y/m/n remember what I said about the sacred twenty eight. You don't want to start something there."

"I'm so proud of you!" My mother said pulling me into a tight hug. " The Malfoy Manor. You couldn't have impressed us more!"

"Thank you Mother" I smiled.

"And with the Malfoy boy what's his name, Michael? Draco! That's it." Mother squeals, getting even more excited.

"Hmm... I've seen him at a few galas. He seems ok. Goodnight!" I say taking the staircase.

I slump on my bed and let my thoughts consume me. Draco... Draco Malfoy I thought to myself. I've heard that name before in the Hogwarts halls. He had a reputation all right. Mean, stuck up, a blond boy with daddy issues. I'd seen him about but he only ever sneered at me. He was a bully.

I woke to a loud ringing sound. My alarm clock flashes 6:30 and begins to walk across my table in a strop because I haven't yet sat up. I press the button to turn it off but accidentally press settings.

''Did you just try to turn me off?!'' The alarm clock says haughtily. ''How could you, after all the things i do fo-''

The alarm clock cuts off after I finally hit the right button. Sighing I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling which was enchanted to look like a milkyway. My mother started banging on the door making me sit up and bang my head.

''Come y/n get some eggs then I want to see you packing life your life depends on it young lady! I can't believe you didn't do this last night.''

''Coming Mother!''

I sit at the table and gulp down my eggs and cup of tea. I rush upstairs to pack. Suddenly realising I don't know what to wear I panic a little and collapse onto the bed. An owl flies though the window and taps me on the shoulder dropping a small square letter. I ripped the letter open the green seal tearing in half. The letter said:

Dear Y/N

For your stay at the Malfoy Manor here is a list of extra things you shall require:

An evening gown.
A casual dress.
A dress suiting black tie events.
Black top and skirt as uniform.

We look forward to your company.
Kind regards,
Narcissia malfoy

Under the letter in green ink read:
Tantum est ut habitet in spelunca & legales homines, et serpentium.


I grabbed my wand and conducted a translation spell. The words jumbled and squiggled around the page to reveal the text; "Only the cunning and loyal beings may reside in the cave of snakes."

What in merlin does that mean I thought to myself .

I began packing my things into the black leather suitcase I was gifted the year before. I whispered a spell so my clothes would fold themselves into the suitcase. After 30 minutes of choosing between evening gowns I decided on a green sweetheart neck dress with a diamond necklace to pair.

The door opens to my mother holding an armful of bags.

"Oh I adore that dress!" She says, picking up the green satin and hugging it to her chest.

"Good choice little beauty." My step father comments appearing in the door behind her.

My Father had always called me "little beauty" ever since he met me, just after my father died. I was growing out of it but still blushed a deep shade of scarlet as he said so.

The house elf carried your bags down stairs giving you a funny face.

I took the bags from him smiling and gave my parents a last hug.

All of a sudden there was a knock on the door and it was time to leave.

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Yours truly

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