2. nothing but knickers

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Outside the door stood Narcissia Malfoy, her long blond hair dropping over her shoulders. My mother gives my shoulders a squeeze. Narcissia reaches out her delicate hand as I glance over my shoulder to my parents before apparating away from the house. I felt the whooshing sensation pressing down on ny shoulders as I travelled through the air, my hand gripped tightly knot Narcissia's. There was a loud pop and to my relief I was back on solid ground.

I arrived outside a large pair of brass gates higher than I have ever seen. Through the bars I could see the beautiful Malfoy Manor. It loomed over us, a sense of fear washing over my body but I was still in awe of it's sheer beauty.

Narcissia pressed her hand to the gates which flew open onto a white cobble drive way. I walked down the long driveway which seemed to go for miles my hands shaking in a mix of excitement and fear.

After what seemed like a lifetime we arrived at the front door. They were opened to a small houself who dipped his head to me.

My mouth dropped as I saw the high painted ceilings and glass chandeliers. My parents were wealthy but not like this.

"Are you ok dear?" Narcissia asked, smiling at my gormless expression.

"Y-yes it's just a lot to take in ma'am." I stuttered in complete awe.

"It's very beautiful isn't it? Over 800 years old, the ceiling was done by Christiano Merlin himself."

I stared up, "wow."

"Right well dear, Draco can show you around and explain the ins and outs of the place" Narcissia said turning towards a tall blond boy.

I felt my heart sink and my hands turn cold. I'd heard the rumours of Draco Malfoy and now I have to be alone with him. 'For fucks sake' I thought to myself.

"Are you sure ma'am I'd much ra-" I replied, the dismay covering my face becoming rather obvious.

"I'm more than happy to show you around Love." A strong english accent said from behind me. I whipped around and there was Draco, stood less than a step behind me. Shivers ran down my spine as I felt his warm breath on my neck.

"Yes you'll be just fine" Narcissia said, sympathetically tapping my shoulder.

I stood frozen in time, my thoughts consuming me. They went something like this 'I HAVE TO BE ALONE WITH DRACO MALFOY.'

"Come on Love, I'll show you the kitchens first." Draco whispered, wrapping his cold fingers around my delicate wrist. He gave my wrist a gentle tug and I sprung back to life.

My wrist twisted under his grip, "Um, yes ok." I replied.

"You look like a little bitch y/n" He says smirking. ''I bet you've heard all the rumours from your friends."

''Fuck off. Keep with that attitude and I'll believe them." I sneered.

His grip on mu wrist tightens as he drags me to the kitchens. I snatch it away his nails scratching my skin.

"Oo this ones got attitude" he mocks, yanking my wrist back.

Me, getting tired of this boys shit reply;

"I think the house elf can show me around actually Draco, I came here to work, not to deal with your fucking ego."

He drops my wrist quickly, "If that's what you want. DOBBY!" He yells.

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