10. I win

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Light smut.
This is a very weird chapter haha so just read with an open mind. I guess you could say it's more on the adult, adult side.


You woke up on Draco's chest. All of a sudden your body retched and you fled to the bathroom to throw up.

This woke Draco up immediately. He rushed over to you bent over the toilet.

"Y/n? What's going on?"

Before you could respond you threw up again. Your cheeks were red and flushed.

"We're going to take you to Madam Pomfrey, ok?"

"Mhm" you managed to mumble through laboured breaths.

"Oo where are you two going in a hurry?" Blaise jeered.

You clung onto Draco as you stumbled out of the commons just as Hermione walked past.

"Y/n! Y/n what's happening?"

And with that you faint into Hermiones arms.

You wake up Madame Pomfrey standing above you.

"W-where am I? How long was I out?"

"About an hour lovely." Madam pomfrey says pushing your company away. You sit up frantically searching for Draco.

"Where's Draco? Is he here? I need him?"

"I'm here love" he says walking in with a cup of water.

"Oh Dray" you say flinging your arms around him.

"Were you two aware that you're pregnant?"

"Yes, yes we were." Draco says.

"Is the baby ok?" You say, worried.

"Yes the baby is perfectly fine."

You let out a deep breath, relief washing across your body. You saw the colour return to Draco's face.

"So what is happening?" Draco asks.

"We see this alot with pregnant psyche women. Have your visions been more frequent?"

"Y-yes actually they have."

"Yes you may experience other side effects, night terrors, fainting, sickness, a fever. Anything of a higher severity visit me immediately."

Draco squeezes your hand.

"We can do this, ok?"

"Yes, yes we can." You say squeezing his hand in return.

"If this happens again bring her back, ok Mr Malfoy?"

"Of course." He says as he picks you up. 'Let's go love... you're ok.'

"I will send an owl out to your professors." Madame Pomfrey called.

"Thank you!" You called back weakly.

Draco lays you on his bed pulling the covers over you.

"We can snuggle all day. How's that?"

"I would love that." You say quietly watching him strip to his boxers and get into bed next to you. You felt your hormones go fucking crazy.

"Draco... fuck me."

Draco started laughing then stopped realising you were serious.

"When you're sick? No. I'm sorry love but you need rest!"

"But Draco... I'm so horny."

"Absolutely not!" He says scoffing.

"Fine" you retort angrily.

"You're actually mad at me for caring about your health? Y/n get back here now!"

You slip out of bed and walk over to the bathroom. You apply some concealer from your bag and some mascara. You dig in to the bag looking for something else to wear. You were determined. You couldn't find anything suitable so decided naked will do just fine. You looked at your naked body in the mirror turning to the side you saw your stomach protruding just a little more than usual. Your heart warmed as you remembered the vision of your baby. Realising you were distracted you shook your head and focused on seducing Draco. You stayed a little longer stroking your stomach. The door opened and Draco's jaw dropped st your naked body. He saw the little bump and bent down to kiss it. You lifted him by his chin to kiss him.

"Y/n we are not doing this. Come to bed. You need rest."

"But Draco..." you say licking your lips.

He stares at your naked body intoxicated before shaking his head.


He picks you up and walks you back over to the bed.

"This won't work y/n!" He says as he places his shirt over you. "You must be freezing."

"Please Draco?"

"No my love. You can try all you like."

"Mhm yes I can." You slip your hands down his boxers making him moan.

"Don't fucking do it y/n" he says giving you your hand back.

You reach down again and he slaps your hand away... again.

"Come on Dray. You know you fucking want me."

"Y/n it's your hormones. Just calm yourself down."

"Really?" You step out bed removing Draco's shirt.

"You don't want me? You don't want this..."

It was unlike you to be this bold but your hormones were in fucking overdrive.

You sit on his lap stroking his jaw line. "You don't want to fuck me?"

"Merlins sake." Draco whispers to himself. "Is this what I'm in for?" He chuckles pushing you off his lap and tucking you back under the covers.

You reach for him again but this time he doesn't push your hand away.

"Fuck it" he moans letting you play with him.

"YES I WON!" You screech.

This made Draco mad. He pushed your hand away determined to 'win' whatever this little game is.

"Oh no you don't love!"

"Oh but I do..."

You straddle him looking him in the eyes. You feel his hard on against your leg making you smirk. He turns his head to the side breaking eye contact.

"You won't win y/n."

"Oh won't I?" You say your smirk growing bigger. Draco knows exactly what your about to and grabs your wrists.

"Y/n. Don't fuck with me." He says gently.

"But is soooo much fun" you say breaking his grip and palming his boxers.

"Stop it." He growls.

"Why should I?"

He flips you back making you gasp. You chuckle at his expression. Pure sexual frustration.

"I. Fucking. Win." You say kissing him hard before he can retaliate.

He cups your breasts gently noticing how sensitive they are.

"Yes, yes you do my love."

WHEW. This bitch was HUNGRY.

As always, don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this story. Until the next time...

Yours truly

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