9. nightmares and dreamscapes

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Now I usually give y'all a warning but I'm going to say this now this is probably the most triggering chapter I have ever wrote. This was incredibly hard for me to write and I had to stop several times. If anyone wants me to take it down I will most happily do so. I am warning you now, do not read this if you don't have the strength I will happily DM you a summary. I love you, take care of yourself.

💛TW: Rape, extreme violence and self harm. 💛

Draco Malfoy POV

"You're a disappointment boy." I felt a blow to my face and winced, biting my lip.

"You're weak." Slap. "Unloveable." Slap. "Useless." Kick. "And no fucking child of my mine."

"Father please-"

"I'm not your father anymore. That disappeared when you became weak." I felt a sharp kick to my gut, I looked over my shoulder to the two men who were holding me back, "please." I whispered to one of them, the man shook his head softly and tightened his grip on my arm.

"You're a fucking-" kick. "Whore! You have a wife and kids. You fucking fa-"

I screamed at him blocking out that word. The word I couldn't stand. The word I'd spent the last year of life being tortured with.

"Imagine what your wife will say when she finds out?" Kick. "Think she'll still want you?" Punch. "After she finds out you're a f-"

I screamed again, pulling against the grip. He does not get to say that word to me.

"Your son's a pussy." One of the elders laughed, twirling a knife in his hand.

"Not my son." Kick. "Will never be my son." I felt my arm break as it was twisted backward.

"I hope this teaches you a lesson. You should be ashamed to call yourself a Malfoy. You should be ashamed to be alive."

I swallowed my screams as I felt a knife slash across my chest. The men dropped me to the floor and I was left there. Left for dead.

"I should've just let them have you." My father spat as he delivered one last kick to my rib. I felt the bones crack but no sound left my lips.

The footsteps receeded but I knew this was far from over. They would come for me. Very soon.

"Over here." A gruff voice sounded. I winced knowing what was about to happen wouldn't be pretty.

I felt myself be pulled up and gasped at the pool of blood on the floor.

"Waste of magical blood laddie if you ask me." The elder spoke trailing his finger down my cheekbone, I turned away from his touch, "I'll heal you but for a price."

I shook my head, "no fucking way. I can heal this myself."

"Oh I'm sure you can." The elder smiled, "but you can't heal this."

I felt a sharp pain shake right through me and my body completely froze, "ready to pay the price?"

I stayed frozen. There was no choice.

"That's what I thought."


I sat up gasping, clutching at the sheet sweat dripping down my temple, I quickly looked down to my chest. There was only a scar. It was just a dream. My whole body was shaking. I glanced over to y/n who was sleeping quietly, her hair strewn across her face. I let out a chocked sob as I remembered the events of that day. I slid out of the bed carefully removing her hand from my hip and creeped over to the bathroom.

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