37. finale | bound to you (smut)

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**Before we start yes there will be a sequel and it will be posted in this book. So it will be two stories in one.**

This is it my loves. The final chapter. I'm crying so hard I can't believe I'm saying goodbye to the past two months of my life, I love each and every one of you so much. Special props to laurenkibbe 3illie_Fan chloeytieghrz mercedes_was_here voldysmissingnosee
And so so many more. Tysm for supporting me!

*a few years later*

"You may begin. This meeting will be recorded, anything you say or do in this room may be held against you in the ministry court. State your name, your date of birth, wand type and your hair and eye colour."

"My name is Draco Malfoy, I was born on the 5th of June 1980. My wand is 10" hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core. I have blond hair and blue eyes."

"Thank you Mr Malfoy. Now, state to the court what happened on that night. No detail spared. No lies told. We will know."

"Me and my wife y/n were in the libary and our friends knocked, they had invited themselves in as they always do, they came in and Florence-"

"Her last name please."

"Florence Zabini."

There was a small rumble around the caught room, "did you want her maiden name?" The blond man asked.

"No no that's fine." The warlock spoke, making a note on his paper, "please... continue."

"She came in with our usual friend group, that would be, Blaise Zabini, Malika Kijo, Florence Zabini myself and y/n Malfoy. Florence had brought someone else along with her, they seemed very smitten. Florence was never the type, I've known her for a long time so I suspected something was wrong."

"Had you ever seen this man before?"



The blond man gulped, "In a brothel a few years back. My father had taken me and my cousin, but I see the court already has note of this from his trial last year so I would prefer not to discuss it."

"Right." The warlock spoke, making another note. "Continue."

"He came in with a bottle of basilisk tears, expensive stuff. We all got drunk apart from my wife, I believe she finally gave in but I wasn't looking at that point. The last I saw was her stumbling back through the door with Lysander, I thought he had been helping her."

"Why didn't you follow her instead?"

"I had no idea she left."

"Let's move along the timeline a little. After she told you, Mr Malfoy what was your reaction?"

"I was angry. Very angry."

"Did you attack that boy?"

"I did. I used sectumsempra on him the same night I found out."

"Six months later did you return to his property?"

"I did."

"Mr Malfoy I am charging you with the murder of Lysander Cyprus, how do you plead?"

"I am guilty."

There was another rumble, nobody was expecting him to admit it.

"Mr Malfoy you do realise what this means, do you not?"

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