28. now you know

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1632 words
I'm sorry this took so long, I have alot happening at the moment. The story is far from over. I love y'all so much every read, comment and vote is heavily appreciated. Thank you for even reading this far! 10k reads in a month I can't believe it.

So I'm going to do the next few chapters in y/ns POV. I hope y'all don't mind. If you do then... keep it to yourself, I don't do negativity. Writing is my only safe space, don't destroy that with your insecurities. :)

Viewer discretion is advised | sensitive topics are at play


I fell asleep with Pansy next to me my thoughts racing faster than ever. I knew that I should tell him, he needed to know, it was only fair. But how would he react to this? He would be mad. I knew that for sure. Tears pooled in my eyes as I let out a chocked sob, this woke Pansy up next to me.

"Don't overthink it. You're going to be ok." Pansy mumbled.

"W-what if he's mad at me?"

She ran her hands through my hair gently, "He won't be mad at you." She cooed.

"I don't know Pans... he might see it as me sleeping with someone else." I sobbed quietly.

"No he won't! You were drugged! If he comes out with that, which he won't, I would just walk out."

I nodded my head trying to convince myself he would understand. He would right? He's a good guy. He would understand.

"It's going to be ok." Pansy whispered as she fell asleep again.

I barely slept and when I did was riddled with nightmares of Draco and I. I woke up at around 5am feeling sick. I decided I should go downstairs and get some water. I slipped out of bed careful not to wake up Pansy who was sprawled out across the bed, snoring gently. I opened the door to the hallway and crept down the stairs, my feet touched the cold marble floors making me shiver. I felt my body come in tact with someone elses and jumped back in shock.

"Bollocks!" I yelped, holding onto the counter for support.

"I'm sorry did I scare you?" Draco's voice sounded.

"No shit." I laughed. He reached out for my hand automatically, making me snatch my hand back when his skin came in contact with mine.

He stared at me his eyes glinting in the light, "y/n what happened? Did I do this to you?"

"N-no Draco you haven't done anything I just- can we sit down if I'm going to tell you this."

Draco walked over to the couch and patted for me to sit next to him,"whenever you're ready my love."

I gulped, my stomach flipping as I walked over to the couch. Is this really how I was going to tell him? We've been through so much, I have no idea how he would take it.

"Well..." I began but I cut myself short as the tears began to pool in my eyes.

"It's ok. Tell me what's wrong?"

I shuffled on the couch and tried to prepare myself for what I was about to say, "Draco I need you too... prepare for what I'm about to tell you. I'm struggling to even think about what I'm going to tell you."

"Ok.. I'm slightly concerned now but go on." He let out a weak chuckle.

"S-so when w-we had the party. Remember that boy L-lysander?" I stuttered trying to hold back my tears.

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