4. reboot

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Say goodbye to fucked up Draco and y/n and welcome less fucked up Draco and y/n...

"I'll sort it, Draco will get furloughed from Azkaban, all of this will be fixed. Now you just wait for it to all unfold. Good luck." Hermione whispered before she disappeared with the time turner.


* exactly a year and two months ago. *


"My God. Who's stupid idea was this!"

"Hey hey it's not my fault Draco's incapable of nutting in his hand. This is exactly why I don't want kids, whatever is possessing you and Florence to push out babies... I'm not sure." Pansy laughed, clutching onto my hand tighter.

"They've released him, he's on his way." Florence cooed.

"I told him the last time..." I ranted. "... I would not be pushing out anymore of his babies but here we are huh!"

"Florence can you get me some... water?"


I clung onto Pansy as the pain surged violently through my body.

"Why do I have to do this, don't we have magic for this shit?"

"Yes but you and your little psycho-futuristic head thingy can't have it." Malika groaned. "It'll be over soon, I promise."

"You know I read somewhere that people actually... enjoy this? How- how could this possibly be something you want to do again?" I gasped.

"Hey don't ask me, it's you that's done this three times, if it bothers you that much you should just stop fucking him."

"Pansy that's not helping." Florence laughed, passing me a glass of water.

I gasped loudly my face contorting, "I swear to Merlin if he doesn't.... get here... now... I will-"

"You'll what?" came Draco's voice from the other side of the door.

I immediately tried to stand up but Florence pulled me back down, "wait a minute!"

I watched the Ministry wizards remove the shackles from his wrists, they placed one black cuff on his left wrist which I knew as a binding charm, meaning if he tried to escape it would kill him. Smart really. As soon as they let him free he was rushing through the door to me. I pulled him close not even stopping to take him in and pressed my lips against his. It had been nine months after all.

"Hi." He whispered.

I didn't let him say anything else as I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could, "I missed you."

He chuckled, "I missed you too."

My grip got tighter as the pain flew through my body again, he brushed my hair away from my face gently, "it's ok I'm here, I'm here now. Breathe."

"I can't do this... this hurts far too much." I whimpered.

"You've done it before and look what you gave us, we wouldn't have Emery without you would we?"

"That's right... Emery." I whispered.

"It's going to be ok. I've got you." He soothed before slowly pressing his lips against mine. I reached up and ran my hands through his hair which was much longer than usual but I liked it.

"I love you." I whispered in his ear as his lips gently graced my neck.

"I love you too, I wish I could show you right here."

"Another time." I laughed.

I grabbed his hand and was shocked when I felt the bones poking through his skin, I pulled back and looked at him, he must have lost alot. His face was thinned and his cheekbones were sharper than before.

"Draco what happened to you?" I whispered, running my thumb across his jawline which was considerably sharper.

"Nothing my love. Nothing you need to worry about."

"Please." I whispered.

He went to open his mouth to speak but swallowed his words, "i- just stress. It's not a nice place, I'm thanking fuck I'm not with the dementors. Not until next year." He shivered.

"It'll be... HOLY SHIT THAT HURTS." I gasped clinging onto him.

"Shh." He cooed, brusing my hair behind my ear. "You're ok. I'm with you now. Breathe."

"You try fucking breathing you're not... shit, shit, no that hurts. Please make it stop."

He sat on the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. Fuck I missed his arms.

"Please make it stop." I whispered in his ear.

"Ok." He mumbled, quickly pressing his lips against mine. "I'll do my best."


As always, don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this story. Until the next time...

Yours truly

Sorry for the short chapter. Just to confirm they used the time Turner to have Draco present at Acantha's birth meaning, we don't sleep with Blaise (sorry about that) and less fucked up Draco and y/n. They will finally be able to lead a happy life! Shit will still be tough do buckle up but... it'll be sweet.

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