12. one vision pt.1

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1046 words

"I will start talking to some estate witches. If you want? I don't want to pressure you I just think it would be better if we lived together..."

"I love you Draco." Was all you could say. You were shocked, Draco loved you. He wanted to start a life with you, the maid from the manor. You were having a child together. The boy who you despised you now love. If two years ago someone had told you this would happen you would have spat in their face.

Draco noticed you were spinning into your thoughts, and put his hand on your shoulder.

"What are you thinking my love?"

"It just hit me... we are going to be fucking parents. How can we be responsible for another humans life when we barely have our own shit together?"

"Everything happens for a reason my love. We've got this ok? You are going to be fucking brilliant!"

"Yes... I hope so." You say snuggling into his shirt.

"How about we go down and get some dinner?"

"Yes let's do it. I'm going to change out of these clothes they smell like milkshake." You say glaring at him.

You get changed in front of him, realising him staring.

"What are you looking at?" You say clamping your hands over your body.

You walk to the bathroom mirror staring at your body and bursting into hysterics.

"Holy shit my boobs got big!" You say between giggles.

"Oh I didn't fucking notice." Draco says sarcastically.

You slip on a skirt going to do the button but it won't fasten.

"Draco come in here! My skirt won't fasten." You say still tugging it.

"Here, let me help." He said standing behind you, running his hands across your body until he reached your button which he did up with ease.

"H-how on earth did you do that!"

"Magic." He says winking.

"Cheeky git!" You say playfully slapping his chest.

"Oh Merlin, the hurt!" He says clutching his chest and pretending to die.

You loved being silly with him.

"Ok" you giggle helping him up, 'we have to go!'

All of a sudden you jolted backwards, you felt Draco's arms support you as you fell into the vision.

FLASH, a funeral. A different one to the last vision. There were only a few people. Before you could see who they were you were thrown into the next vision. FLASH, you were slapping Blaise. FLASH, you were in the infirmary screaming into Draco's arms. FLASH, you were at a wedding but not your own. FLASH, a dark mark hung heavy over a little cottage.

You woke up lying on the bed Draco hanging onto you tight his breathing as heavy as yours.

"Y/n? What was that you were screaming a-"

Before he could finish his sentence you were running to the bathroom to throw up.

Florence burst through the door.

"I heard you screaming! What's happening?" She rushes over to you rubbing your back Draco following behind.

"I-I was screaming? I don't remember. It was like a vision but... more intense. There was another funeral, and then a wedding and a dark mark?" You thought it best to leave out some details as not to worry them more.

You started crying in shock Drcao and Florence wrapping their arms around you.

"Draco can you go get me some tea please?" You ask needing to get Florence alone, to tell her what you saw.

"Of course love what type." He says exiting the bathroom to find his wallet.

"Just normal tea, no sugar. You know the drill babe."

"I'll be back in ten minutes love."

"You don't want tea do you?" Florence whispered. "What did you see?"

"Wait for him to leave. He cannot hear this." You whisper.

You wait a second waiting for Draco to leave before getting ready to spill.

"I'm afraid Flo."

"What of? Tell me what you saw y/n!"

"I-I saw..." you begin hyperventilating again trying to process your vision into words. A tear falls down your cheek.

"Hey. It's ok." Florence says wiping the tear of your face. "How about we get off the bathroom floor?"

You nodded in reply.

"Come on then." She says easing you up.

Once you are both sat on the bed she takes your hands which were shaking rapidly.

"It's alright. I'm here." She cooed. "Just process. Ok?"

You nodded still trying to form words through the shock. Everything felt surreal, your brain was cloudy.

"I'm ready." You stumble.

"Good. What's gotten you so worked up?"

"W-we were in the... um infirmary and... I was upset. I'm not sure why but Draco was too. I was screaming into him. And then there was one where I was slapping... Blaise."

"The infirmary... why? Oh shit!" She gasped giving you a look. A look which you read immediately your heart sinking.

"Florence go get your wand." You say, shaking.

If you are thinking of selfharming do not hesitate to reach out. You are valued and loved. You are important. I love you! 💛

She runs out over the dorm to get her wand. You are alone. You sit on Draco's bed letting out little whimpers as your body shook. The whimpers turned in to cries. Just the thought of losing your child. The child you've only known about for a few days. It was still your child. Your body ached at the thought, hands tensing waiting for Florence to come back. You put your hands flat shocked at the blood on them. Your nails had dug so deep they broke the skin. Blood trickled down your wrist. You watched fascinated. Your brain flashes back.

You drag the blade over your wrist watching the blood trickle down your arms. You let out a little gasp at the pain.

You find yourself tracing your hand over your scars.

It is now safe to read! ❤

"Y/n?" Florence calls. She grabs your hand away from your wrist. "Don't go there babe. Everything is going to be ok."

"Mhm." You nod weakly. "D-do the spell Flo."

She raises her wand with hesitation.

"Do it now!"

Florence glances at you suprised at your temper and whispers the spell 'pythonissam gravidam'.

As always, don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this story. Until the next time...

Yours truly

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