1. pick your poison

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1972 words

Welcome to "pick your poison" the sequel to irreplaceable you! This is the first chapter, enjoy. Tell me what you think and what you want to see.

I woke up, nerves rattling through my body. Today was the day. He was getting out. I had spent last night up with the minister conspiring a plan to keep the press away from us. It was going to be tricky. His sentence had been taken down from three years to two thanks to our ministry connections, this was the last favour I could ask.

"Emery!" I yelled from my room,"let's go!"

"Coming Mum!"

"Quickly! We can't be late!"


"Y/n! How do you feel about your husbands release?" Scared.

"Do you see divorce in the future?" Maybe...

"How have you been keeping contact with your husband?" I haven't, it's impossible.

"Does he know about the baby?" I think so.

"Is it true you had an affair?" Yes.

I pulled myself a small blond baby on my hip and Emery through the crowd of cameras and reporters as we made our way to the release centre.

"Any words for the daily prophet?" Fuck no.

"Are the rumours true... did you sleep with Pansy Parkinson?" Yes, years ago. Jesus what kind of question is that?

This comment spurred on the rest of the reporters...

"Are you gay?" No.

"Bi? Y/n! Was your husband just not doing it for you?" You can fuck off with that.

I gasped in disbelief and continued to pull us faster through the crowd.

We pushed through the doors into the release office, finally escaping the flashes and roars from behind us.

"Draco Malfoy." I mumbled to the woman, placing down my I.D.

"Please wait over there. I'll get him processed."

I knew he was going to kick off when he got out, I may as well just say "oh hey I got pregnant that night and birthed a baby without your knowledge and then continued to fuck your best friend."

That'll go down so well.

"Mum... what did Dad do?"

"We've spoken about this love. It's not my tale to tell. When he gets here you can ask him."

The baby on my hip began to tug on my hair gently, "hey, don't do that." I laughed taking my hair away from her tiny hand. She let go reluctantly and stared at me batting her big blue eyes, "Acantha stop. Your Daddy will love you, you're lots of trouble. Just like him."

"Oh yeah..." Emery murmured, "do you think Dad will remember us?"

"Of course!" He just might not want to...

"Mrs Malfoy? We have a few forms for you to sign."

I stood up quickly and walked over to the desk taking the binder from the woman. I read it through and signed my name at the bottom in big loopy writing. Y/n Malfoy.

"That's it. If you'd like to come through here." She spoke, pointing to the large door behind her.

"Come on Emery." I said, holding out my hand.

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