16. the burrow

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Draco arrived outside the Manor. He felt strange coming back here without y/n. He rushed through the gates his feet crunching on the gravel.

"Mother? Mother! It's Draco. Where are you?"

"I'm here, what do you want child?" Narcissia says flowing into the conservatory.

Draco was immediately suspicious, Mother never came to door and she certainly wouldn't treat him in this way. He tightened his grip around the wand in his pocket and studied her carefully.

"What's that flask Mother. You don't drink in such a way..."

The woman's eyes immediately flick to the flask on her hip, her grip tightens around her wand.

Draco was now extremely suspicious.

"Can I have a sip?" He says snatching it off her waist. He brings it to his nose. "Polyjuice potion. Who are you? Where is my Mother?"

"Well then. Little baby Draco worked it out. I honestly didn't think you were that smart." The woman portraying Narcissa says, moving Draco's hair out his face, bringing her wand across his jawbone.

She placed her wand to her neck and her body began to transform.


"Enchanté" she laughed bowing and stretching out her hand.

"Where is my Mother?"

"Oh, little Malfoy, you are far too late. Your failure to complete your task will bring across your mother's demise. Just like the Master promised..." she said laughing like a little girl, her eyes gleaming.

Draco pulled one of his Mothers cloaks off the stand and began to conduct a location spell.

"Poor baby wants his mummy?" She cackled dancing round the living room. Draco paid her no attention and continued with his task.

"The burrow?" He whispered. The spell was directing him to the burrow. What would Narcissia Malfoy ever want with those... people.

Without saying goodbye he immediately apparated to the burrow. He walked up to the rickety house his nose upturned in disgust and knocked on the door.

"Malfoy? Thank Merlin! She's in here." Mrs Weasley exclaim grabbing his wrist.

"What's going on?" He begins. Why would his Mother ever escape to the burrow? She despises those who reside with muggles.

"We don't have time for questions my dear."

She pulled him into a brightly lit room and there on the sofa was Narcissa Malfoy, his Mother. Her face was covered in blood her dress torn deep scratches etched across her skin. She had been tortured.

"Mother. Who did this?"

"D-death Eaters. L-lucius...he is in Azkaban. The Ministry took him, the Death Eaters showed up... t-they said he-he had something of v-... Vol-... Voldemort's. Something he needs."

"Who were they? Give me their names. I will kill them with my bare hands."

"No. No. Draco."

"What did father have? What did they do to you, Mum? Are you ok?"

Narcissia turned pale as soon as the words escaped his lips. There was something she didn't want him to know.

"Draco come with me dear, we will get some tea." Molly said grabbing his hand gently leading him to the kitchen.

He sits down at the wooden table staring into space his thoughts spinning as a cup of tea appears infront of him.

"Thank you Mrs Weasley." He said as composed as possible, finding it hard not to show his sheer disgust. Mother would be here for a reason. She would never be friends with these kind of people.

"Mrs Weasley? Why is my mother here?"

"Me and your Mother went to school together, we were Best friends for a long time even though Bellatrix despised me. When you cast a safety charm you think of the first person you ever truly cared for... I guess... I was that person..."

Mother? And Weasley? Friends? Merlin.

He absent mindedly took a large dip of his tea, burning his tongue in the process.

"I should owl y/n." He thought aloud.

"Yes... Hermione was telling me about your... circumstances."

"You know?" Draco gasped.

"Of course I do."

"Does my Mother?" If she did she would be bound to tell Lucius which is the last thing he wanted.

"No love. But she posses the gift, she will find out. It would be better to tell her, wouldn't it?"

Draco nods his head. He pulls his wand out of his pocket and a piece of parchment and ink appear. He takes the quill and starts his letter to y/n.

Dear y/n,

Mother is safe, in poor condition but safe.
I cannot tell you my location as owls are being intercepted but we are safe.

I love you. Be careful.

Yours truly,

Draco L Malfoy

He sealed it and with a whisk of his wand the letter vanished on it's journey to y/n.

Y/n pov

Y/n was sat on her bed with Pansy and Florence, they had decided to cast some new charms to take y/n's mind off things. A letter shot through the air infront of them landing on y/n's lap. The letter opened and Draco's voice began to echo around the room;

"Dear y/n." His voice spoke "Mother is safe, in poor condition but safe. I cannot tell you my location as owls are being intercepted but we are safe. I love you. Be careful. Yours truly, Draco L Malfoy."

You took a deep breath for the first time since Draco was gone relief washing over your body. You fell back on the bed clutching the letter to your chest. You felt butterflies in your stomach but not normal ones. The baby was kicking, violently. As if it was trying to tell you something. Pain spread across your stomach making you gasp.

"Flo-the baby is kicking. Hard. It's... SHIT... painful."

Florence picked up a book of the shelf and began to leaf through it.

"Psyche women can experience severe kicking from their babies causing fainting and extreme back pain..."

"Fuck. Ok? But why?"

"This is the baby's way of communicating to the mother that something is wrong..."


"Y/n... I think we should visit Madame Pomfrey."

"Yes. Let's go."

Pansy and Florence supported Y/n as they carried her to the infirmary.

As always, don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this story. Until the next time...

Yours truly

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