29. getting there

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I just wanted to say a quick thank you to one of my good friends and my muse @3illie_Fan , I've only known you a month or so but I'm so happy I met you. These past few weeks have been shitty and you have made it so much better. Ok I'm done with the cheese, I present to you...


"Here." Draco said, passing me the cup of tea. I wanted to hug him but my body was in a battle against my heart.

"Thanks." I mumbled, smiling. "What time is it?"

He looked at the watch on his wrist, "About 7am."

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the watch.

He lifted up his wrist, "this?" He laughed, "it's a muggle device called a watch, father bought it for me it comes in handy."

"Oh wow." I whispered tracing my finger around the glass of the watch, my skin came in contact with his for a second making him gasp sharply, sparks shooting up our skin.

I started at him intently his eyes piercing mine, "so the healer?" I managed to speak.

He snapped back to life, "yes, I've had an owl sent."

"Good." I whispered, my stomach was flipping and my palms were slightly sweaty. There was so much tension between us I could barely breathe.

"Are you alright y/n?" He asked, making eye contact with me again.

"Yeah... I'm just going to... nip upstairs." I muttered dreamily. I had no idea what was happening.

"Ok, well don't be long your tea will get cold."

"Thanks." I mumbled heading for the stairs.


I flopped down on the bed trying to process the past 12 hours. Everything was so fucked up and I couldn't see how it was going to get better. I decided I should probably get dressed. It was morning after all. I peeled of my night dress and stood infront of the mirror gracing my breats gently, staring at my reflection. My body was covered in scars from wars lost to my mind. I traced each one following how the marks etched into my skin. I turned around staring at my back, why I was looking at myself in such a way I wasn't sure, it never ends well. Stretch marks spread across my hips like tiger stripes, Draco had them too. He always kissed mine especially, he knew how much I hated them.

I stood there watching the tears fall down my cheeks I closed my eyes and bowed my head gently, I felt someone wipe my tears with their thumb and I whipped round.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, hey it's ok."

"Fucking hell Draco, what are you doing?" I gasped.

He shifted his weight, "well you'd been half an hour and your drink is cold. So I thought I should see if you were alright." I noticed he was trying not to look at me and moving from one foor to the other.

"Ok then." I realised I was naked and my jaw dropped. "Stop looking! Go on!" I exclaimed shooing him out.

He laughed at me and closed the door heading out to the hallway. I heard him burst out laughing on the other side of the door and smiled gently. I knew I'd turned him on I could tell. But I just couldn't, I was far from there yet and he respected that.

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