36. i know you

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1404 words

This chapter moves real fast so brace yourself.

This chapter discusses the topic of abortion, if you're not pro-choice you can just yeet yourself outta here right now.

"Merlin Pansy, it was incredible." I said to her over the breakfast table.

"It seems we have a lot to talk about." She laughed, tucking in her chair. "Where is Draco now?"

"Sleeping upstairs. I think I broke him. And the bed..."

"Y/n! Since when do you talk like this?" She exclaimed, cackling with laughter.

I stood up picking up the plates, "you have no idea pans... I've never had anything like it."

"So you were ok? With the nerves?"

"I think the adrenaline numbed it. I've still got some shit to deal with but I think I'm ok with him now."

She hugged me, "that's brilliant. So how was it? Tell me everything. From what I heard it was good."

"Were we that loud?"

"Yeah... like Blaise said you should probably invest in some silencing charms." She jeered.

"Pansy you have no idea... it was the best thing I've ever felt."


My jaw dropped, "wait a second! You and Draco fucked? I knew you were a thing but..."

"Once. He wouldn't do it again becuase I bled, that's when he was off on his whore crusades, must've shagged his way through the whole of 5th and 6th year, boys included."

"Whore crusades!" I screamed, doubling over with laughter. "And what did you make of him?"

"Good dick. Bad attitude hopefully that changed."

"How many dudes did he shag?"

She shrugged scrubbing one of the dishes in the sink, "ask him not me."

"Wow." I gasped, processing this new information.

"So would you let him do it again?"

"Oh god yeah he could bend me over ri-" I stopped dead, feeling a body pressed against my back.

"Is that so?" He sneered, nibbling my ear.

Pansy put the plate she was holding down and retreated out if the kitchen, "no thank you." She whispered to herself.

"Mhm." I moaned to him.

He grabbed my hips and turned me towards him, "I think you're all talk y/n." He growled.

I reached down and palmed him through his joggers, "don't." He moaned.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't have any control right now, I need to be able to stop myself with you because if I don't... well you've seen it."

"Let go with me. Come on."

"Y/n... the last time I lost control you packed yourself off to the Weasley's. I-i can't risk it."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his neck, I reached up to his pulse point and bit down gently making him groan, "please, I need you."

He shook his head, "no. Absolutely not. Go take a shower. We can do this later when I wake up a bit."

I wasn't taking no for an answer, my whole body ached for him, I wrapped my hand around his cock, "let's see if I can convince you." I whispered getting on my knees infront of him.

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