32. what are you afraid of

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2068 words


"Come again? I think I heard that wrong." I gawked.

The ebony skinned girl nodded solemnly before flopping back on the mattress, "it's true." She sighed.

"No. Fucking. Way." I gasped my jaw practically hitting the ground. "Who's?"


I flopped down with her taking her hand gently, "wow. H-how far?"

"Too late. There's no going back if that's what you're think. Believe me, I tried." She mumbled a tear forming in her eye.

''How long have you known?"

She sighed gently, "A while. Not everything we did was under imperio. This isn't what I want with my life y/n. I don't know what I'm going to do, how do I ever tell Blaise? He will be crushed."

I squeezed her hand, "in your own time. You'll know when you're ready to tell him."

"What if I'm never ready?"

"You will be. I promise. I had no clue, how did you hide this?"

She sat up and straightened her hair out, "do you want to see?"


She whispered a spell and her stomach expanded into a bump. I gasped remembering my own. "You were always good at transfiguration. Can I?" I whispered.

She nodded and I placed my hand on the bump. My eyes welled with tears threating to hit the surface.

I wrapped my arms around her, "you're not alone anymore."

Florence casted the spell back, her bump disappearing, "nobody can know. Not yet. Do you hear me?"

"Of course. I would never-"

"Swear it."

I pulled out my wand, "okay."

I watched the white smoke wrap around our hands as the spell left my lips.


We layed on the bed staring up at the glass chandelier until there was a sharp knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled at the door.

Draco sidled in, "hey."

"I'll just..." Florence whispered slipping off the bed. I kissed her forehead as she went past.

The door closed and Draco shuffled on the bed nest to me, "how is she?"

"I think she's ok. But I'm not sure, she's good at hiding things."

"Like you." He muttered.

I stared at him but avoided my gaze, "how so?"

"It doesn't matter." He pushed me back onto the bed, "hey, do you know what I remembered?" He drawled.

I shook my head.

"It's our anniversary tomorrow" he whispered as he left soft kisses down my neck. My body didn't try to fight as I melted into him, wrapping my legs round his waist.

"I know. I've already bought your gift." I moaned.

He sucked on my neck gently, his hand cupping my breast "too far." I whispered as my stomach twisted.

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