13. one vision pt.2

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'Pythonissam gravidam'.

Sparks shot in the air but there was no clear answer.

"Cast it again." You say looking at Florence who was biting her lip.

The door burst open and there was Draco with your tea, the cup dropped to the ground spilling hot tea across the stone floor.

"What's happened!" Draco said, panicked.

Florence gave him a look which he read immediately.

"W-we cast the spell. Twice. But... theres no answer."

"We need to go to the infirmary!" Draco exclaimed.

Your face dropped as you thought back to the vision.

"In... the vision we were... in the I-infimary and we were c-crying. If we go. It makes it true."

"Y/n we are going to see Madame Pomfrey! If not for your sake, for the sake of our child!"

"D-draco please... no."

"Y/n. Now." He says pulling you up.

"Draco I can't!" You scream, terrified of what may come.

"Y/n... don't make me do this. It's going to be ok I promise."

"I'm not fucking going! I can't risk this. This child is all j have." You sobbed hitting the ground with your fists.


"NO I CAN'T!" You scream back at him your voice hoarse. Sweat was dripping from your forehead.

Florence shoots Draco a look and he picks you up over his shoulders. You scratch at his back pulling on his jacket, kicking him hard begging to be put down.

"Y/n it's for the best. We're with you all the way!" Florece says trying to get you to calm down.


You scratch harder at Draco digging your nails in making him gasp because of the pain.

Draco shoots a look back at Florence.

"Draco no I can't!" She whispers urgently.

"Florence, I swear to Merlin."

"Fine." She say weakly, pulling her wand out of her pocket. 'Somnum.' She whispers holding back a tear.

Your body falls limp over Draco's shoulder the sleep spell taking over your body instantly.

"It won't last for the long, the baby will be trying to wake her." Florence whispers.

"Let's go." Draco says weakly.

"Merlin, what happened!" Madam Pomfrey says rushing from her office letting her papers slip from her hands.

"She had a vision, she thinks that she lost the baby. We did the spell to check but there was no answer. She refused to come to the infirmary so we put her under a sleep spell." Florence explained.

"You two did the right thing. Even if it doesn't feel like it right now." She says reaching out for Draco and Florence's hands.

'Surgere' Madame Pomfrey muttered placing her wand next to your temple.

Your eyes open immediately. You sit up straight filled with anger and rage as you realise what they did to you.

"How could you!?" You bellow making even Draco bow his head. "After I told you specifically not to because if what I saw! I thought you two would understand."

"We were just trying to help!" Florence says placing her hand on your arm.

"Don't touch me." You snarl making Florence snatch her hand back.

"They did the right thing my love. I know you are afraid." Madame Pomfrey says staring at you kindly.

"Still! A sleeping spell! Against my will!" You exclaimed.

"We will run some tests to make sure everything is ok." Madame Pomfrey says ignoring your screeches at Draco and Florence.

After an hour of weird and painful tests Madame Pomfrey had the results.

"Your child is absolutely fine. Because your child also posses psyche they can control your visions."

You took a breath for the first time in two hours. A tear of relief fell down your cheek. You realised how important this was to you. You reached over for Draco and pulled him in to a hug. And you both cried. And cried. Stopping every so often to tell the other it's ok.
This was it. This was the vision. Maybe the things we fear the most are actually just that. Fears.

"Thank fuck." Draco whispered in to your hair placing a kiss on yout head, you clutched on to his jacket breathing in his cologne. "We're ok."

"We're ok. We're ok. We're ok." You mumbled over and over as your body processed the information.

"Right y/n. It's time you return to the dorm. Because your child possesses psyche you must be very careful. No stress. No extreme emotions. Keep her safe Draco."

"I will ma'am" he replied. "Thank you so much for you help."

"You have a bumpy road ahead of you children. But atleast you have eachother."

"We do." Draco says staring at you who had fallen asleep on his shoulder.

Jesus y'all I didn't know how to write this. Remember, this is the calm before the storm. Tell me what you think in the comment section! Love y'all.

As always, don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this story. Until the next time...

Yours truly

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