27. throwback | 8k special

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Yall are going to hate me so fucking much so just... read. I- this is wrote differently than most of my other chapters so tell me what you think.

My paragraphs are all messed up so don't mind that, wattpads having a glitch I think.

💛Tw: rape. I will outline when we get to any sensitive topics so you can still read the other bits.

If this chapter has affected you please dm me or check out the link below, I love you.


View discretion is advised | sensitive topics including rape and assualt are present throughout.


"What time is it?" I mumbled.


"Fuck." I exclaimed sitting up of the leather sofa, "how did we fall asleep here?"

"You passed out here and you looked too cute for me to wake you up."

"Really? You think I'm cute." I asked him as I played with the buttons on his shirt.

Draco intertwined his fingers with mine, "if I thought you weren't cute you wouldn't be half naked in my house would you?"

"Why am I half na- Draco what the hell!"

"That was all your work, Darling.''

"Why would I do that?" I looked around to see a half drunk bottle of champagne, "Oh. What the fuck did I do? Do I even want to know..."

"No love I don't think you do." He laughed, throwing me my shorts.

I slipped on my shorts, scanning the room for any ideas as to what happened. I saw my underwear hanging on one of the ladders half way across the libary, "Draco what the fuck happened here." I laughed.

There was a crash behind one of the shelves causing me to cling onto Draco tightly.

"Oh hey guys!" Florence called from behind one of the shelves her hair askew.

"What the-" I began but my words were cut short as a shirtless Blaise emerged behind Florence.

"Someone needs to explain to me what the hell happened here!"

Pansy and Malika appeared from behind the next row of books, "What the fuck!"

"Did we have a party or something? Am I hallucinating this?"

I tried to think back but everything was just a blur.

"Do you really not remember anything?" Pansy laughed.

Draco pulled a little vial out from his jacket, "Drink this."


"Memory potion." He laughed holding out the vial to me.

"Is it really that important that I remember this?"

"Yeah." They all laughed simultaneously.

"Ok then..." I mumbled as I brought the vial to my lips. "Wait how does this work again?"

"It will show you a series of your most important or forgotten memories, pick the one you think is from last night, it doesn't really matter if you slip up and pick the wrong one but try not to. Most things are forgotten for a reason." Malika explained sitting down next to me.

🌙 |  DRACO MALFOY... a fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora