35. the anniversary pt 3. | 15k special

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3070 words

The song choice is just... well several people have asked me to put more music on chapters because they like my taste so... here you go! I have a very wide taste I like a bit of everything so don't mind me lmao. This part is going on forever but I thought I'd give yall a happy arc before shit gets messy. Because it's going to... I can't believe it, we're like 35 chapters in! I started this about two months ago mainly for myself but the reaction I got was absolutely amazing. Thank you for the reads, the comments, the votes. So many of you message me to tell me how much you enjoyed the chapter and I can't thank you enough. When I think about where I'd be without the friends I've made on here or without my writing at all... I just can't. Y'all have practically saved my life. Life has been a mess these past few months and you have helped me so much. So thank you. And now I'm crying, bloody hell. But I mean it. Truly. This writing and your support means so much to me. ANYWAY now that I'm done gushing, enjoy!


We walked back up the track to the manor hand in hand it was only ten o'clock so the night wasn't over yet.

"So what do you want to do when we get back?" He asked.

"I have some ideas." I smirked.

"I bet you do."

We got up to the drive the gravel crunching under out feet. The belt of my jacket got caught on a bush letting the fabric open, "Draco can you help?"

"Holy shit you're naked under that?"

I dismissed his comment,"Come here and help me before someone sees!"

He helped me unattach the coat from the bush not taking his eyes of my body the whole time.

"Hey. My eyes are up here!"

He wrapped his arms around my bare waist, "oh I know."

"Let's go inside before the moon sets in. It's dangerous for us to be out this late." I moaned as his hands grabbed my ass.

He began kissing my neck, "come on." I laughed. "We can do this later."

"But I want to do it now." He whispered in my ear.

"Come on. We need to let Narcissa know we're still alive."

"Fine." He said, reluctantly tying the belt on my coat for me and smacking my ass.

I pulled him up the rest of the driveway, as soon as we got into the light of the porch he stopped me, "hang on a second. We don't want Mum seeing those hickeys."

I pulled the collar of my coat to one side so he could heal the marks. "There. Your neck is clear. For now."

"Thank you." I laughed. " it's really cold."

"Well no wonder you're hardly wearing anything! Not that I'm complaining..."

"Let's get inside." I pulled him up the steps toward the front doors.

We slipped inside to hear shouting echoing through the house.

"I can't believe it! And you knew this!'' Blaise's voice sounded.

"Blaise please!" Florence pleaded.

"Now. Get out. Pack your bags."

"You have no right to kick me out!"

"No, but Draco does and he is my friend and what you did is so fucking despicable..."

"Blaise. It didn't mean anything! It's too late. I'm too far along. What do you want from me? Please. You can't leave me." She sobbed.

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