22. no time to die

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877 words


"Mr. Malfoy?"

"Yes.. yes that's me!" Draco said standing up, the magazine on his lap falling to the floor.

"We have some information on a miss y/l/n."

"Yes, that's her."

"She's still unconscious but no longer critical. If you would like to see her?"


The healer led Draco through a maze of corridors before arriving outside a small room.

"Go ahead."

"Y/n." He gasped, sitting in the chair next to your bed.

He stared at your lifeless body whispering silent prayers that you would return to him. Draco stayed with you day and night for two days, your mother visited, a scatter of loved ones left prayers and flowers.

You felt your eyes open, everything was bright, very bright and your whole body ached.

"Where am I?" You thought aloud. You looked around the room, nobody was there, just flowers and chocolates.

All of a sudden Draco walked in a cup of water in his hand.

"Y/n! You're awake!" He said struggling not to drop the cup. "Thank Merlin. Are you ok?What were you thinking?!"

He was angry now.

"Y/n. Please, you can talk to me! We can get through this together. What was going through your head? You can't leave me here."

"Leave you here? Draco, I lost my child! How do you expect me to cope with that?"

"I lost a child too!" He yelled, banging his fist on the table, his blue eyes pooling with tears.

"I-I know you did."

"Do you? Because it doesn't fucking seem like it. I have spent the past week caring for you despite my pain and you have done nothing for me. Not even asked me how I'm feeling? Do you know how much I loved and wanted that child?"

"I think... we need to have a proper talk about our feelings. But not now, not here." You said looking up at him.

"You're right. What matters now is that you're ok."

You pulled his face close to yours and placed a delicate kiss on his lips, the stubble on his face rubbing against your cheek. The kissing got more passionate your tounges intertwine gently. This was the first time you'd kissed eachother since that day. You were both so distraught there was no time for love.

"Fuck I missed you." He whispered pressing his forehead against yours. "I can't wait to touch you again."

"I hope you understand that it's going to be awhile. And it's going to be difficult."

"Of course. I'm here for you."

"Ah, you're awake! Love to see it, love to see it." An enthusiastic healer said, clapping his hands together. "We will do a final check up, but you should be good to go home tomorrow!"

Draco blinked at the healers enthusiasm before smiling the best he could.

"That's great." He said, nudging you.

All of a sudden everything began to feel so... real. The past week had been dream like but only now was really hitting.

"Draco... I can't go back to that house, I can't walk past that room, I can't sit in that bathroom, I can't sleep on that bed."

"Shh... it's ok. We can find somewhere else, how about that?"

You nodded you head, nuzzling into his chest.

"I'll talk to Mother, she will understand."

"Miss y/l/n you should get some sleep before we begin the tests."

"I will do, I am quite tired."

"Well, you are recovering from extreme blood loss your body will be working very hard."

Draco gulped, remembering what you did. His grip on your hand tightened his rings digging into your skin.

"Draco... not so hard."

His grip on your hand loosened slightly but still it was tight.

"Thank you, I'll make sure to get some rest."

You moved over on the bed and patted for Draco to lie next you. He clung onto you tight as though someone or something was going to take you away.

You fell asleep next to him dreaming a strange dream.

"Fuck me y/n." Draco said, gently thrusting into you.

"You like that?" You said staring up at him.

"Oh yeah."

You bucked your hips up to him, deepening his thrusts letting out loud moans as he hit the right spot.

"Y/n?" You heard a voice call

"Y/n? What are you dreaming about?"

"What?" You said sitting up straight.

"I asked what you were dreaming about?" Draco laughed, you could tell he knew by the look on his face.

"Nothing." You said, smiling at him innocently.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm. Just a regular sleep."

"I. Don't. Believe. You." He said, his hand creeping further down your waist with every word. His fingers played with your underwear gently teasing you, he rubbed gentle circles making your eyes roll back.

"D-draco... I'm not ready."

He took his hand back giving you a gentle smile.

"I'm sorry." You whispered, a tear falling down your cheek.

"Hey... hey, it's ok." He said kissing your forehead. "Whenever you are ready, ok?"

You nodded your head, seeing the disappointment through his smile.

"If you're not there yet that's ok, you've been through so much."

"I love you." You said cuddling up to him, falling asleep on his chest.

The drama is FAR from over, get ready.

As always, don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this story. Until the next time...

Yours truly

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