Girls Trip! Pt. 2

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Five walked the academy halls, wondering what he should do with himself, now that (y/n) was on her "girls trip." To be honest, he didn't see the purpose of those things, he only said for her to go cause he knew it would make her happy, and he knew she was getting antsy staying in the academy all day every day.

His thoughts were interrupted by someone calling his name. He whipped his head behind him to see Vanya.

"Five? Can you hear me?" She asked confused.

"Hm- oh yeah, sorry, can I help you, Vanya?" Five asked.

"Oh- well I was just wondering what you were up to... since I didn't go on their trip I've got nothing to do..." Vanya said shyly. Five nodded and walked towards her. "Well to be honest I was gonna go to Griddy's if you wanted to join me?" He asked to which Vanya's face turned from nervousness to surprise, she quickly nodded and they proceeded to leave the academy.

. . .

    Vanya and Five were talking and enjoying each other's company in their booth at Griddy's, something they have not done in quite a long time.

"So if you don't mind me asking, why didn't you go with them?" Five asked taking a sip from his mug. Vanya shifted and looked down embarrassed, "w-well, LA doesn't really seem like my thing. Getting drunk and partying doesn't interest me in the slightest... and even though I wanna spend more time with them all, it just didn't seem like my scene. You know?" Five nodded looking at her sincerely.

"Now may I ask you something?" Vanya said with a small smirk, Five narrowed his eyes, "Sure."

"Why did you let (y/n) go on that trip? Cause the Five I know wouldn't want her to do that." Vanya asked. It was Fives turn to look down uncomfortably. He sighs and looks back up at her seriously,

"Me and (y/n) have been together for quite a while now and I realized that we can't just stay cooped up in the academy all the time. Since we've talked about the future before and she expressed how much she likes to go new places... and I also realized I can't just control her all the time cause then what does that show of who I am as her boyfriend?" Five said seriously looking bake up at Vanya who was surprised, to say the least.

She smiled, "She's lucky to have you."

. . .

    Five and Vanya walked back into the Academy and went their separate ways, not before Five called out to Vanya.

"Yeah know, about wanting to spend more time with them all..." Five begun as Vanya looked at him, "You should just ask, or bring up things they're interested in, you'd be surprised at how much you all have in common." Vanya smiled and nodded. Five had a small smile on his face as he watched her walk away.

"Hey, Five! Where have you been?" Diego yelled as he walked over to him. Five quickly fell stone-faced and turned to look at him.

"Hello, Diego." He said begrudgingly.

"Wow someone it's a bad mood. What's up?" Diego asked

"None of your-"

"Ohhh I know what it is, You upset cause (y/n) went on that little girl's trip thing with Klaus and Allison?" Diego said smirking.

"What?! NO-"

"You're getting defensive! You are upset!!" Diego said and continued to laugh, causing Five to roll his eyes and tried to walk away. Before he could get anywhere Luther had entered the room,

"What's going on here? Why is Diego laughing?" He asked cluelessly.

"Five's in a piss poor mood cause (y/n) isn't here!" Diego said through wheezes. Five groaned and shook his head, "No you idiots it's nothing like that!"

"Sureeee it isn't." Diego mocked, making Luther start to laugh as well.

"Jesus guys grow up."

And with that Five teleported away. As much as Five tried to deny it, he did miss you, a lot, but there's no way in hell he would admit it, especially to them.

(WOWWWW YALL MAKE ME BLUSH -////- I really didn't expect so many of you to want a part 2! but I'm so glad you did! I kinda took it more in the Vanya direction but I still wanted some funny brother moments! I THINK WE CAN DRAG THIS FLUFF LONGER PT. 3?? OF WHEN YOU COME HOME?!
hope you enjoyed. Luv you!)

シ𝐻𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑒𝑡ℎシ ☾Five Hargreeves☽Where stories live. Discover now