Your not weak

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(Y/n) and the Hargreeves were quite close, due to their parents working together at young ages. And when Reginald wanted to adopt 7 children within human super abilities (y/n)'s parents were more than n excited to help. The same year Reginald adopted they had (y/n), so it was almost fated that they would grow up together.

When children were about 11, (y/n)'s parents and Reginald had to go on a business trip for about a week. She would stay at the academy for the time being. This doesn't bother any of them in the slightest. (Y/n) would work on her school and study while the siblings would train and do their daily routines. In between those routines, they would all hang out like one big happy family. But this was the norm.

That is until one fateful night when instead of the three of them returning home safely, it was only Reginald that walked through the door. (Y/n)'s parents had died due to an experiment gone wrong miraculously, Reginald was the only one alive that day. She was absolutely devastated, everyone was there for her but after a while, they stop bringing it up due to not wanting to rekindle an old fire.

But even after this she still managed to have a smile on her face and laugh through the pain. Life moved on and so did they. After the even Reginald decided it would be easier to just adopt (y/n) but only if she would be useful to the others. With that Grace taught her all the basics of being a medic so she would be able to help the siblings after missions.

That brings us to today, Reginald and the siblings were out for the day leaving (y/n) and Vanya home. Something about "hero business" or whatever.

The two were sitting in the living room, (y/n) was reading while Vanya was playing her violin. They suddenly heard a knock on the door.

The two got up to open the door and were greeted by a very tall man. He had a scar on his right eye and looked angry.

He said with an emotionless tone, "Where is Reginald Hargreeves?"

The moment he said that Reginald and the others were right behind him. Five quickly special jumped in front of (y/n) to protect her and Reginald didn't look happy either.

"Get out of here! You have no right to be here!" Reginald screamed at the man. The man then turned to him and pointed a gun straight at him. Everyone gasped and Luther went up to the van and knocked the guy out of his hands which landed near (y/n)'s feet.

The man lunged at Reginald as he screamed for the children to leave and go into the house.

"We can't leave you!" Luther screamed.

"Just go number one!" He yelled while still fighting the man. They quickly did as they were told. But (y/n) stood there staring at the fight, Five was trying to drag her in but something inside of her told her not to.

He tries grabbing her hand again but was caught off guard by the conversation of the two men.

"Why are you here!" Screamed Reginald, as he swung a punch at the man.

The man quickly dodged it and said, "Revenge."

"Haven't you had enough already!? Especially what happened years ago with (l/n)'s doctors!?" Reginald yelled back as he continued to try and swing punches.

The man continues to dodge them but paused as he looked at Reginald regretfully. "I didn't mean to... You made me a monster that day, and it made me kill them..."

(Y/n) froze, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She fell to her knees and started crying and yelling while she dug her hands in her hair. Five continues to try and get her back inside but to no avail. The rest of the siblings noticed this and quickly ran out to console her. Sadly nothing was happening she was too wrapped up in her own head numb to the pain of what happens.

Hot salty tears fell down her cheeks as she screamed in pain.

The man stopped and faced the children, five and the others quickly went in front of (y/n) just in case he was going to pull anything. He stared at her with an emotionless expression, but with a hint of sympathy. (Y/n) looked at him straight in the eyes with an angry glare.

"Move." She said as she slowly picked up the gun that was infront of her. The siblings looked at her with terror as she raised the gun to face the guy. The man so I took a step forward as Reginald seemed to be frozen in place as well.

"You have the right to shoot me... But as soon as you pull that trigger you will burn with the blood-stained on your hands."

(Y/n) had tears still streaming down her face, the gun shaking in her hands. Why couldn't she pull the trigger? It was so easy? Just do it! One motion of the finger and her parents would be avenged.

The screams of her friends telling her to drop the gun meant nothing to her. She couldn't hear anything except for the man's voice repeating the same line over and over in her head. Everything was a blur except for the gun in her hand and the man in front of her.

She couldn't do it. The gun Soli slipped out of her hand as it fell to the floor along with (y/n). The man was about to turn back to Reginald when sirens could be heard rolling down the road. And with the sound that the man bolted down the street. Leaving (y/n) a crumbling crying mess on the ground.

Five quickly ran to her side and hugged her tightly as he kicked the gun away from her. (Y/n) accepted his hug.

"Why?? Why couldn't I do it?! He was right there! He k-killed my p-parents! And I couldn't kill him! WHY AM I SO WEAK!!?" She sobbed louder into Fives chest. He rubbed her back while hugging her even tighter.

"You are not weak... you are the strongest out of all of us, you bring life to others (y/n). You're not a killer your hands are here to bring life and happiness into the world not take it away..." Five said into her ear.

Reginald quickly ushered all the children back inside as the cops swarmed the area leaving the two of them on the ground, hugging.

(This amazing idea is by none other than bipanics_ )

シ𝐻𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑒𝑡ℎシ ☾Five Hargreeves☽Where stories live. Discover now