Separation anxiety

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(Y/n) and Five were relaxing in her room, both casually reading. Five had gotten fond of her presence, and just her being around him even if they aren't doing anything in particular. Maybe a bit too fond...

(Y/n) checked the time on her phone and checked how much of her book she had left to read. She thought that this was a good place to stop as she went to get up to use the bathroom.

This quickly got Five's attention and he shot his head up from his book to see her heading for the door.

"Where are you going?" He asked a bit frantically as she looked at him confused.

"Uh? Bathroom?" She said shrugging as she held the door open.

"Oh... hurry back." He said quietly. She nodded, still confused, and made her way out the door.

"That was weird." She thought to herself. She was only gone for less than 5 minutes until she heard a bang on the bathroom door. She was only washing her hands as she jumped at the loud bang.

"(Y/n) are you in there?" Five shouted, in a panic.

"Jesus..." she mumbled, "yeah- yeah calm down..." she said as she dried her hands and opened the door. She saw Five shaking a bit and he quickly pulled her in for a hug. To which she slowly hugged back, still extremely confused.

"Are you ok?" She asked questionably. And nodded his head, which was still buried in her neck.

"ok..? Just wanted a hug..?" She asked again, to which he nodded again.

"Again super weird.. what is up with him today..?"  She thought to herself but shrugged it off. Maybe he was just having an off day.

Yeah, one-off say turned into an off week, it got to the point where (y/n) couldn't go anywhere without him getting worried and then resulting in him following her. She knew if she didn't talk to him about this then it would only get worse.

"Why Five can I talk to you..?" She asked as she approached him slowly. Five got a worried look on his face.

"Ok if you have to know it was Diego, all Diego! I swear I didn't do anything, don't be mad-"

"Five calm down." She said chuckling as she put her hands up, "that's not what I wanna talk about, although I am now curious..." she said narrowing her eyes, making Five worried again.

"Anyway, I wanted to talk to you, I think you might have a problem..." (y/n) said quietly. Five looked at her confused.

"problem? I don't know what you're talking about? I don't have a problem..." he said frantically.

"I feel like I can't really go anywhere without you on my tail.." She said softly, she was trying to not target him or make it sound like she's trying to yell at him.

"Oh... yeah, that..." He mumbled.

"So you do know!" She asked surprised. "Ok, that's good, recognizing your problem is the first step to solving it." She said as she paced a bit before looked back at him.

"Can you explain to me why it seems and though you can't go anywhere without me?" She asked softly. He stiffened a bit staring at the floor.

"um... about a week ago when you want to use the bathroom after we were reading, about a second after you left the room my head started racing, my heart was pounding, and I couldn't stop thinking about the fact that you could just leave and not come back and it got to the point where I had to go and check on you to see if you were actually still in the bathroom and didn't leave me. I guess escalated from their..." he said sounding exhausted.

"Interesting... I see." She said after listening intensely.

"A-are you mad... do- do you wanna break up..." he asked sounding heartbroken.

"What? No no no! I actually wanted to talk to you so we could avoid this issue getting worse! If I wanted to break up I would have just broken up with you from the start." She said chuckling a bit. He gave a sigh of relief.

"So how do I get better..?" He asked a bit scared.

"Well there's always therapy..." she says trailing off a bit at the end. "Have you ever seen a therapist.." She asked quietly.

"No." He said simply.

"Maybe it's a good idea... and not just for the separation issue but maybe the trauma you have from..." she trailed off a bit trying to hint at his past without really saying it.

"Yeah... maybe your right..." He said quietly, (y/n)'s eyes widen. She was not expecting him to comply this easily.

"Maybe I should see therapy..."

(Honestly they all need therapy 😩✋ LOL ok luv you thank you for 500+ votes!!!! AH!)

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