New clothes?

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"You ready to go babe?" (Y/n) asked as she was about to exit their room.

"Yea, I guess." Five said begrudgingly.

(Y/n) insisted that Five were to get some new clothes since the Umbrella Academy was no longer a thing. That, and he looked ridiculous. Clothes shopping for Five was definitely overdue.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun! We can find your style and what you like." (Y/n) said excitedly, smiling while grabbing Five's hand. Seeing her excited made Five smiles as well.

He sighs and looks down, "Whatever you say darling." With that, they left the academy and went to the mall. As (y/n) browsed through the racks of clothes Five stood awkwardly next to her. When (y/n) would hold up clothes he would either shake his head no or shrug. He didn't exactly know how to react, clothes were never something he was into. And for the most part, he only ever wore suits. That's when it hit (y/n),

"Oh! I know where to go!" She said happily, grabbing Five's hand once again and leading him out of the store. They walked a bit till they stopped in front of the Taylors.

"Here! Since you like suits, and it's what you're comfortable in, it hough we can get you one." (Y/n) said, as Five smiled softly for a second.

"I already know my size so this shouldn't take too long." He said confidently, as (y/n) giggled.

Now it was Five who lead (y/n) through the shop, that is until they were greeted by a tall man, who looked as though he worked there.
"Hello, children! Can I help you find anything?"

"No thanks we're alright." (Y/n) said quickly as Five ignored the guy and kept trying to pull (y/n). He was on a mission, he wanted to find the finest suit he could. Something slick and cool, and something that would impress (y/n).

After about 15 minutes of looking, Five was started to get frustrated, he couldn't find anything he really liked. (Y/n) just calmly followed him and occasionally gave him her approval or disapproval. Five sighed in defeat and were bout to leave the store, probably to go to another one. That is until (y/n) spotted something.

"Come on darling, this place docent have anything I'd want."

"Are you sure, what about that?" She said, pointing to a black suit that was hanging just behind a few others on the rack. Five looked over to where she was pointing and walked over.

"Hmmm." He thought for a moment as he inspected it, "yes, this will do just nicely. Good find darling." He said as he took it off the rack. (Y/n) grinned happily at the thought of helping him.

Five took it to the cash register and set it on the table.

"Ah~ this is one of our finest, always in the back... what a shame... will that be all?" The man asked as he rang it up.

"That will be all." Five said calmly, he looked over at (y/n) standing by the front. She was just scrolling through her phone as she waited for him. He smiled while looking at her, this caught the Taylor's attention.

"It's hardly any of my business but, is that your girlfriend?"

"Hm- oh yes."

"Ah makes sense." He said as he put the suit in the bag.

"And why is that?" Five said cocking a brow.

"Well... I noticed you already looked at this suit, and you didn't seem fazed, but when she pointed it out, you chose it. I just put two and two together." He explained this made Five raise his eye brows.

"Hm, I guess you're right." Five said as he took the bag off the counter.

"Be sure to come on back."

"I'm sure we will."

Five smiled as he walked back to (y/n). He grabbed her hand as they smiled and walked out. The man behind the counter smiled as he watched the young couple walkout.

"Ah~ young love~," he said to himself.

(Even the Taylor ships it~ ;) luv you)

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