Music shack?

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Klaus, Vanya, and (y/n) stood in front of that old closed-off room in the basement. It held many terrible memories and is the cause for so much trauma. It was the room that their father used to use to punish the children for when they needed to be taught a lesson. A room he used to teach them the matters of their powers instead of doing it in a healthy way.

The three of them looked at each other then back at the room and nodded in sync, and to work they went. They had talked before about doing something music-related but they would need room to do it in. A room that was soundproof, secluded from the house and no one would really find it unless told.

It took them about two weeks to get the room together and make it look pretty. Klaus added his own feminine touch well Vanya and (y/n) I am bought instruments and regular furniture just to make it more homelike. After it was finished they would often go down there either together or one at a time just to listen to music or occasionally play some.

Currently, Five was searching the academy's walls for (y/n). He hasn't seen her since breakfast and it was now noon. He approached the living room and unfortunately she was not there but luckily Klaus was passed out on the couch.

"Maybe this disappointment knows where she is."

"Klaus! Hey, Klaus!" He yelled as he tapped his brother a few times.

"Huh- wha- hello??" Klaus stuttered as he awoke.

"Good morning sunshine." Five said sarcastically, "now, where my girlfriend?"


"No Deloris, YES (y/n)! Where is she." He said sarcastically yet again.

"Oh, she's in the basement... thingy.." He said deliriously due to only being half awake.

Fives face fell when he said that,

"No one ever goes down there anymore.. she must be in trouble!" He thought as he frantically teleported down to the basement area.

But when he arrived he was surprised to see it wasn't how it used to be. It now at furniture and lights, along with music supplies. What surprised him, even more, was the (y/n) was sitting on one of the chairs with big Studio headphones over her ears. She had an electric piano in front of her and a guitar slung around her shoulder.

She seemed to have not noticed him for she was singing one of her favorite songs. She continued to sing them even when he entered the room fully. Five stood there listening intently to her beautiful voice as it filled up the room. She played her instruments beautifully along with her sound.

After about 2 minutes of Five listening and her singing, the song finally came to an end. Five slowly walked over to her and tapped her shoulder oh so lightly.

"GAH-" she screamed, surprised it was an understatement. No one knew anything about this place besides Klaus and Vanya, so to see Five here was shocking.

"(y/n)... I didn't know you could play or sing like that!" He said, complementing her tune.

"Oh thank you." She said blushing a bit. "I didn't know you knew this was here."

"I didn't Klaus told me when I asked where you were. When did you guys do all this?!" He asked surprised.

"About 2 weeks ago actually." She explained. "Would you like me to teach you?" She asked.

"Teach me what?" Five asked in confusion.

"How to play!" She said.

"O-oh sure."

And from then on Five and (y/n) would have mini-lessons on how to play the guitar and electric piano. He wasn't the greatest and it would take him a while to finally be able to play correctly but he was getting the hang of it.
(Y/n) really enjoyed teaching him everything she knew about music.

(Idea from hpst0riesandscen3s )

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