Mad medic

730 26 4

(Y/n) and Grace were in the medical wing of the academy. Grace had been training her to become a medical professional, and she was "practicing" on the Hargreeves.

(Y/n) had no special ability her only ties with a Hargreeves was that her parents knew him and they were neighbors. Reginald highly doubts her abilities to become a doctor but Grace and Five insisted that she come over and so he, begrudgingly, caved.

The one thing that did frustrate her was that they often overuse their powers and got extremely injured, constantly! And due to them hurting themselves often means that old wounds would often open up. This being stitches done the day prior came undone, bruises would significantly become worse, and aches and pains would become even more unbearable.

She had had it with the severe injuries!

"Are you kidding! I just stitched you up a few days ago!!" She yelled in frustration at Five. He stayed silent and looked down in shame.

"I swear to god I'll kill you myself." She muttered as she sewed the skin on his arm shut.

"Sorry..." he muttered sheepishly.

"It's fine I just wish you guys were more careful. You're hurting yourself some more training than you are fighting crime. I hate seeing you guys like this, especially you..." She said sighing. She finished up and walked to the overbid table near the wall. Five looked at her in shock at what she said, was she really that worried about them? Him?

"Are you really worried about me..? He asked gingerly."

"Of course I am." She said looking back at him from the table.

"O-oh ok... that's nice." He mumbled.

"Isn't your father worried about you?" She asked confused as to why he reacted this way.

"Pfff- no, you think he cares for us?!" He said smirking a bit.

"I don't know I just thought that maybe..."

"Maybe what? That he cares? No, he doesn't." Five said getting a bit more hostile.

"Well then, good thing I do." She said as she walked over to him. She brought her hand up to his cheek and rubbed it with her thumb. She was mostly checking to see if he had any more injuries, but when she made a mental check that there weren't any she took a moment to stare into his eyes. To which he blushed a bit and gazed back. butterflies swarming both their stomachs as they stay there.

"Hey (y/n) are you almost done with Five?! My arm hurts-" Klaus said intruding on their mini moment.

"Oooo what's happening here~," he asked while pointing and smirking.

"N-nothing." (Y/n) stuttered as she quickly took her hand away from his face and quickly walked back to her table. At this point, Five was a blushing mess and he quickly got up and teleported out of the room.

Klaus quickly walked in and sat on the bed and cross his legs. He resting his chin on his fist and looked at her like he was waiting for her to say something.

"W-what?" She asked

"Oh, I don't know~ what were you doing with Five~"

"Nothing! I was checking his wounds! That's all!" She said in defense.

"Mhm sure~"

(Sorry if updates start to slow down a bit! I'm rlly busy rn LOL)

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