Talk to me! Pt.2

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Five stood there, hurt, dumbfounded, and regretful. He was an idiot, still obsessing over "someone" who wasn't his anymore. He made his choice and the fact that he makes it look like he regrets his choice hurts. It hurts (y/n) more than anything. So she was doing something that most people do when they are mad at others.

They ignore them.

They ignore them until the other has the balls to either apologize or sink down into dispart and accept defeat and never talk to the other.

Luckily Five is not the second type of person. He knew he fucked up he just had to fix it. Show (y/n) what she really means to him.

(Y/n)'s body was pressed against her door as hot tears fell to her cheeks. She slid down as silent broken sobs left her mouth. She buried her face in her knees and hugged them tightly. She was trying to be as discreet as possible so Five or anyone for that matter would not hear her.

After about a minute of her drowning in sorrow, she composed herself and stood up. She wiped the tears from her eyes and walked to her bed and sat down. She began thinking for a few moments of what her next move is.

As much as she hated to admit it, Five was right she couldn't just spend all her time in her room, crying. She decided that she needed some time out of the house, so that's what's he did.

She grabbed her bag and coat and peeked out the door to make sure no one was there, to her luck no one was there. She quietly made her way out of her room and walked down the stairs, still just as quiet as before.

She slunk out the doors of the academy and made her way to central park. To her luck the park wasn't busy, this never happens. She sat on the bench and put her earbuds in and closed her eyes and just let her mind wander.

Meanwhile, Five was pacing the floors of his room, if he walked anymore he would have put a dent in the floor. His eyes were dry and tears had stained his cheeks. You may not think that he cares but deep down he was hurt. He was hurt because of what he did to her. He was not only hurt but mad. Mad that he was so ignorant to the fact that he was ignoring her, making her feel unloved, unwanted, even after that fact that he chose to be with her over Deloris.

He wanted her back so bad, he was willing to get on his knees and grovel before her, begging, pleading, asking for her to take him back, give him a second chance, forgive him even.

Those were all long shots though, I mean she was already hurt so bad, it almost didn't matter what he did. She wasn't gonna take him back.

Was she?

(This is a continuation of one shot I wrote months ago when I first started my book I was planning on keeping it just the one part angst but someone really wanted a part two! LOL so this is low budget part 2!)

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