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"This is the problem! You're never home! It's like you don't wanna be here with me!" (Y/n) screamed at Five.

"I do wanna be here! I'm just busy." Five retorted but (y/n) wasn't buying it.

"That's what you said the last time." She said as she brought her hand to the bridge of her nose.

"I don't know what you want me to tell you
(y/n)! I'm a busy guy I have a life other than you!"

"That's the thing though, you're never here for me! I've asked you countless times to be here and yet you never oblige!" She said sighing sadly. "This is why we don't work..." she mumbled.

"What was that?" Five asked even more annoyed.


"No no, say it!" Five persistent.

"I said this is why we don't work!"

The room went quiet. I mean it's not like Five didn't love (y/n), he did with all his heart. He just had a lot of trouble showing he did and it was driving (y/n) crazy. Because in her eyes it didn't look like he loved her. It was like he asked her out and that was it. Like he accomplished asking her out and didn't think he had to do anything else. But relationships are hard and they do require a lot of work, work that Five obviously didn't want.

This definitely wasn't their first fight, but it was their first fight that they- (y/n) finally acknowledged the real problem here. They didn't work. Five just wasn't ready for all the responsibility of being with someone. This resulted in them having a quite toxic relationship. Klaus and Allison kept tried to give them advice on what to do and how to do it but nothing worked.

In Fives eyes (y/n) was too needed and he felt like she expected so much from him. When in reality she just wanted the bare minimum.

"I- I guess we don't work." Five said looking down a bit.

"So after a lot of thought, I've come to realize that we need to call it quits." (Y/n) said coldly. Five internally panicked for a minute. He never thought she would actually go to the lengths of breaking up for real.

"W-what..?" He stuttered out.

"I'm breaking up with you Five."

Five paused for a second, "Y-Yeah. Maybe that is better..." He sighed sadly.

"Goodbye, Five." (Y/n) said as she stormed out the door.

. . .

Two weeks.

It's been two long depressing weeks since they called it quits. Klaus and Allison were some amazing support systems for (y/n).

Five on the other hand liked to grieve alone and take his sadness and anger out on others. So he may have caused a bit of trouble afterward. He sadly believes he let the one good thing in his life leave. So what he was most mad about was himself. How could he be so stupid to let her leave and not give her the affection and love she deserved.

He had to fix it.

He quickly teleported to (y/n) estate and knocked on the door.

Luckily for him, she answered. She faces soon fell when she looked into his eyes.

"(Y/n) can I please talk to you..." He asked sheepishly.

She didn't respond, she only crossed her arms and looked at him with a ferocious glair.

"Please..." he asked quietly. She reluctantly sighs and nodded giving him the floor.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry. I sorry I couldn't be what you wanted and you deserve so much more than me. I don't even know why you said yes to me in the first place but you did and I took that for granted. I really hope you can forgive me and maybe... take me back. I'll be better this time I promise! But I will respect your decision if you don't want me back." He said sighing at the end and looked up into her eyes hopefully.

(Y/n) sighed as well, but her stone-cold glare soon broke into a small smile.

"I knew it wouldn't take you long to come to your senses. I'll take you back." Five faces lit up with surprise. "On one condition,"


"You cuddle me more."

"Consider it done!" He said as he brought her into his arms for a tight hug.

(this was requested by ApricotHargreeves)

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