Bike lessons

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Five and (y/n) were taking a long walk in central park, something they do often. They had been walking for a much longer time than they usually would, this caused their feet to ache quite a bit.

"Here let's sit over here." Five suggested, pointing to the bench next to some trees. (Y/n) smiled and nodded at this suggestion. They both sat and caught their breathe while (y/n) took off one of her shoes to rub her foot.

"Jeez, my feet hurt." She mumbled to herself but Five heard.

"Here, I can just jump up back home." He says holding his hand out for her to take.

"We probably shouldn't, there's a lot of people around." She says declining his offer. She thought for a moment and looked around.

"Oh! How about those!" She says as her face lights up. She pointed at two bikes propped up next to a different bench. Fives face drops at her discovery and he quickly declines.

"No no! It's fine we can just find a secluded spot away from people so I can jump us back home!" He says as he frantically looks around.

(Y/n) looks at him suspiciously, "Fiveeee what are you not telling me?"

He sighs, "you were bound to find out one way or another..." he starts his face turning a bit pink due to embarrassment. "I-I don't know how to ride a bike..." He says as he looks down, avoiding her gaze. (Y/n) looks at him puzzled.

"Is that all? I can just teach you." She says making Five looks up at her surprise.


"Yeah, it's not that hard." She says. "And for someone who's a trained assassin and super hero, this should be a walk in the park, literally!" She says lowering her voice a bit. This made Five smile a bit as she leads him to the two bikes.

"Here so you sit on it likes this." She starts as she mounts the bike. "You use the two pedals to go forward and break." She says demonstrating how to move and stop. Five observed her closely as she rides around on the sidewalk.

"Got it?" She asked looking back at him. He nods and gets on the second bike.

"Be careful! It's kinda hard to balance, it takes some practice." She says as she rushed over to his side.

"It's fine darling I got it." He says nonchalantly. He placed his feet on the pedals slowly as (y/n) held her hands out next to him, just in case he falls. Slowly but surely he got the hang of it. Once (y/n) was confident in his ability she quickly mounted her bike and started to ride slowly next to him.

"You good?" She asked.

"Yeah- yeah I think I am." Five said staring intensely at the ground in front of him. (Y/n) smiled as they both rode smoothly on the sidewalk.

"You think we can just take these?" (y/n) asked.

"Is that not what we're doing alright?" Five asked seriously, making (y/n) laugh and nod.

The two of them rode through the park without injury or fail. They made their way back to the academy and the rest of his siblings were pleasantly surprised to find it that Five rode a bike.

シ𝐻𝑖𝑟𝑎𝑒𝑡ℎシ ☾Five Hargreeves☽Where stories live. Discover now