Chapter 51

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United States

Chicago, IL

Chicago O'hare International Airport

Lucky's POV

We just touched down on the ground at the airport, and AC just woke up at the vibrations of the plane touching the ground as it slowed down on the runway to come to a stop and taxi off.

She had been sleeping on my shoulder I put her head on my shoulder so it would be more comfortable for her, and she just got up and looked around as we taxied off the runway.

"Sleep good?" I asked her.

"Yeah, did you sleep?"

I shook my head left and right "I couldn't really sleep. It was difficult for me to."

"Why was it uncomfortable for you? Sorry if I made you uncomfortable since I was leaning on your shoulder. I didn't mean for that to happen."

"No, that was not the reason. I laid your head on my shoulder anyways so it was more comfortable for you to sleep so it's not your fault."

"Oh really? Thank you Lucky." She made a smile towards me.

"It's nothing, I'll just sleep when we get all settled in."

"Okay, if the situation ever calls for it, you're free to sleep on my shoulder even if my shoulders aren't as broad as yours."

"I appreciate it, thank you." I smiled back at AC.

The plane taxied to the designated area we were supposed to get off at, we ended up exiting the plane outside and we were still at the runway area with a few cars there.

AC told me this isn't what happened last time when we got into the cars, we would normally go into a gate to exit just like when we board the plane, however this wasn't the case as this was like a special scenario, and instead we went out a way normal people would not exit from.

We were driving for about 10 minutes before we came to a stop in a City. Chicago as the city is called. We came to a stop at a building, and we were instructed to follow the person in a suit as they guided us through the building.

They guided us into a room, with another person already in the room, he is wearing a black suit like the same person that guided us into the room.

"Hello Bonifacio and Ancheta Families, I am Agent Sanchez of the FBI. I am going to be handling your case and we will be going over exactly what will be happening while you guys are here in the States." He explained.

"You will have to be keeping a low profile, and we will have to change your identities to ensure that you guys aren't tailed here to the US. You guys will be provided with a house to stay at, a car, and jobs to keep a living until this whole issue has been resolved."

"Okay, we understand." My dad said.

"Perfect, you guys will need to be photographed for ID photos, but this is the only thing we need from you guys, and once we are done, you guys will be escorted on your way to your house."

They escorted us into another room and we all had to get our photos taken. Our parents went first, then Ace and Cartilos, and now it was my turn, then AC's turn.

"Reyond Lucky Ancheta, please look here at the camera... 1... 2... 3... alright, now that is done, we will get everything processed soon." One of the agents said.

I stepped away, now it's AC's turn. I wonder how exactly this whole new identity thing is going to work. It's going to be so weird being called by a name that is not actually my own, so I'll have to try and get use to it. Hopefully I am able to remember this new name I am given. Surely though we would be able to call each other by our real names. We only have to really call each other by not our real names when we're out in public, and we should be on summer vacation now so there's really no need to go out and interact with many people. If we are still here till the fall, then that would be difficult trying to settle in with others.

"Andree Camille Bonifacio, please look at the camera, and ready... 1... 2... 3... okay you are all done. We will get everything processed and we will notify you when we are ready along with the others." An agent said.

Wait... what? Andree... her name is not just AC...? Is she actually the Andree?!! I started getting light headed, not revealing any signs though that something is wrong, I think this would be better to talk about when we get settled down.

And so now Lucky knows... We are now ending Chapter 50, and the first chapter of 2021. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, as the story progresses, we will start to see new changes. I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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