Chapter 14

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I tried to engage in a conversation with Travis, because he's like the one person who I haven't talked to yet. He was silent, and I asked him how he was, but it seems he was in a deep concentration, because he attempted to form a sentence, but couldn't. Kyla noticed too, she asked him if he was okay, then he finally fixed what he wanted to say.

I thought it was a bit weird. He normally talks a lot, and him being silent is very confusing to me. I've never seen this side of Travis before, or if this is what he was doing when Lucky and I were in the Philippines.

We arrived at the restaurant, I was helped out first, and I got put onto the wheelchair, but there were small steps I had to get up, I couldn't get up because the wheelchair is too big for the stairs. I realized that they put a ramp on the side, but before I could move toward the ramp, Travis and my instructor Mark lifted my wheelchair with me. I'm surprised they were able to lift the wheelchair with me in it. I thought that would be too heavy, but they only had to go up three tiny steps anyway so it was fine for them I guess.

I thanked them for helping me, we went inside the restaurant, and we were seated right away. After we were all situated, we ordered food, I haven't really been to this restaurant, it is like an Italian restaurant, so there's pasta, pizza, salad, and more.

I feel like eating pasta right now, I've been craving Fettuccine Alfredo, and they have that here so I ordered it. I would have probably got salad if I didn't have a big craving for pasta.

I'm sitting right next to Ace and Travis. I missed them so much. Travis still is silent like from earlier, but he does talk with me or others from time to time. My mom use to tell me how we would be in very long conversations before the accident. She said she is surprised because the conversations would last for like 1 to 2 hours if we were at a party. I'm also surprised we would also talk for that long too. Normally now, it wouldn't take longer then probably 10 minutes.

Travis is currently looking at his phone, scrolling through his feed on Instagram. Ace is playing games on his phone.

"What are you going to get Travis?" I asked him.

"Wh-what?" Travis snapped.

Seems like he was staring into space and I just brought him back down to Earth. Wow this is the second time.

"What food are you going to order?"

"Oh, I'm probably going to get Chicken Parmigiana."

"That sounds good."

"Yeah, what are you going to order?"

"I've been craving for pasta a lot lately, we never really got a chance to have it recently so I'm going to get Fettuccine Alfredo."

"That's one of my favorite pastas! I'm just trying to mix things up right now and try new things, otherwise I would have got that."

"We're both trying something new! I was going to get salad, and you were going to get pasta. That's interesting."

"Oh wow, I didn't know that. What was your favorite food to eat in the Philippines?"

"That's hard to decide. I mainly loved eating Jollibee, and we would eat that alot."

"I thought you say that. You've always loved Jollibee before and after the accident. Your favorite foods never got affected by that."

"I know, it's strange. I would've thought I would have changed my lifestyle or something. But somehow mostly everything did not change at all."

"What about your favorite homemade meals?"

"Hmm... let me think... I would say anything Lucky cooked. Which was mostly breakfast food."

"Lucky cooked? Wow. That's something I didn't know about him. I would have never thought he would have cooked. Though he has taken cooking classes in school, he didn't seem to fond the classes so I assumed he didn't like cooking."

"He must've changed then. He loved to cook for me, whenever we wake up, he cooked eggs, sausage, rice, pancakes, all those breakfast foods."

"Now you're making me start to crave breakfast food."

"Hehe. Oops, sorry about that. Anyway, since we're on the topic of Lucky, how is he?"

"He is, well. He has woken up, and I've visited him a couple times."

"Talaga? That's good to hear. He sounds like he is doing well."

"Well, not as well as you think. I don't want to be the one to tell you about what he is going through, I don't think you should know it now."

"Is it serious? Like a terminal illness?"

"Oh no, it's not that. He is healthy. It's something else, When you meet him, you will know what I'm talking about."

"Okay, at least he is healthy. I'll wait till I visit him, because I don't want to force you to tell me."

"Thanks, I think we are about to order now."

"Yeah, I think so too."

That was a pretty long conversation I've had with Travis. The longest conversation I've had with anyone since I got back. I kind of ruined by asking how Lucky is. Strange how he didn't want to tell me about the certain thing Lucky is going through right now. Hopefully I'll be able to visit him tomorrow. I'll visit his parents house first though, I don't know where he is staying at, if he is still at the hospital, or if he is at home.

We will find out about Lucky's status in the next chapter, Travis is having a hard time talking to AC about Lucky's condition cause he doesn't want her to get hurt right then and there after finding out Lucky's condition. How will AC react to when she finds out about Lucky's condition? Find out soon!

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