Chapter 13

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I just want to say first off before we start Chapter 13, is to stay safe. With the current issues of a global pandemic for Coronavirus / COVID-19. My school got canceled for two weeks, I just want to say for everyone to be calm, and just wash your hands and keep others safe if your sick. Other counties in the world have it far worse then the US, Philippines, etc. Well, just thought I include that as a friendly reminder. Anyway here's Chapter 13!


We're almost home. The plane is already descending. I took a nap for most of the plane ride, and my mom woke me up because we are about to land now. My blood is rushing through my veins because I can't believe this is happening. Almost home, it's been so long since I was last here.

I could see the ground through the window, all the land around us, and it's slowly getting bigger, as we get closer to the ground.

The plane now was about a few hundred feet from the ground, and then we touched down. Back home, in Canada. I can't believe it.

As the plane started taxiing off the runway and towards the gate, I started thinking about what was I going to do first?

So many thoughts went through my mind, and I couldn't really think exactly what to do, and before I knew it, we were here at the gate. We were the last ones out of the gate again, we went to the baggage claim, got our bags, and then went through Customs. The moment we got out of the secure area, I saw my dad, Ace, my instructor Mark, and most of my friends.

"Welcome back AC and Tita Cherry!!!" They all said and ran towards me and all of them gave me big hugs.

"Aww... Thank you guys!" I smiled and attempted to hug them back, but it was hard to because of me being in the wheelchair and they were all hugging me at the same time so I couldn't really see anything.

"How was the Philippines?" Kyla asked.

"It was fun! Except for the recent thing that happened." I replied.

"Yeah, I figured. At least you're back, and safe and sound." Kyla said.

"You thinking of going back?" Ben asked.

"Probably not for awhile..." I said.

After our big group hug, I went over to my dad, and Ace followed me.

"Hi Papa! I missed you!" I said and moved my wheelchair closer towards him and hugged him.

"I missed you too Anak, are you feeling better?" He asked and hugged me back.

"Yes, I'm feeling much better."

"That's glad to hear. I wouldn't know what to do if I lost you. That's the hardest thing for any parent to have in their life, is losing their child."

"I know Papa. I hope nothing like that ever happens again, but it's okay now, we're all back here again as a family."

"Yes, we're all going to have dinner at a restaurant nearby. After then we can go home and you can get some rest."

"Okay, let's go then."

We all started moving over towards the international parking lot, because they all parked their cars there. I didn't expect everyone to come. I'm really surprised that this amount came here. I thought my mom and I were going to just take a taxi or something and we will go home. I also wasn't really paying attention to if my mom was on the phone or not, because I probably on my phone doing something, and didn't really think about it.

I was going to ask someone on how Lucky is, but I'll save it for later. I'll probably ask Ace or my dad when we get home.

When we got to the cars, my family, Travis, and Kyla rode in our car, and my instructor Mark drove the other car with my other friends.

Travis has been silent most of the time. He did talk, but when everyone else was talking, so it seemed like everyone was talking over him, but I heard him clearly.

"How have you been here Ace?" I asked my brother.

"Good Ate. I'm glad you are back safe and sound. I missed you soo much!" Ace responded.

"I missed you too Ace. At least I'll be able to stay here now."

Travis' POV

Ever since AC has gotten here, I've been silent, apart from the airport when we first met again. I talked a bit, but it was hard to here me over everyone else talking. I just couldn't figure out what to say, or what to do. Should I tell her everything right away? Or should I wait for her to recover? She must be wondering about how Lucky is doing. I know he is doing well. He is improving in recovering most of his forgotten skills, but memory about all his friends and parts of his family are still not known. He is even attempting to pick up Tagalog, he hears his dad speak it a lot, so he wanted to try and speak it too.

"How have you been Travis?" AC asked.

"I... Me... Well... Good. I've been good." I attempted to spit a sentence out of my mouth.

"Are you okay?" Kyla asked and started laughing.

"Okay, let me try and rephrase everything I said in complete sentences. I've been well AC, thank you for asking, and I'm glad that you are back safe and sound. All of us have missed you, and we're thankful that you are well." I said.

What did I say that first time? It's like I completely forgot how to talk. I was so deep in thought, when she asked me something, I just lost all knowledge of talking, and what I was doing.

"Haha, I'm glad too that I'm here. We will be able to see each other more often now at least now that my mom and I will live here now." AC laughed.

Is it too soon to tell her about my involvement? Or is the time right?

Travis debating whether or not he should tell AC now about his involvement in helping Lucky when he deleted the scandal? How will she react when she finds out about this? How will she react when she finds Lucky? We will find out soon.

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