Chapter 24

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Travis' POV

8:00 AM

I got some breakfast from the McDonald's by the hospital, and just arrived at the hospital when visiting hours started. They have long visiting hours here, and good thing they do, because I wouldn't have been able to give them breakfast if they didn't have this hour.

I went to Lucky's room and knocked on the door before opening it, no response. I opened it anyways, and saw both Lucky and AC sleeping in the same bed, with AC's arms wrapped around Lucky's body. That escalated pretty fast after one night...


I heard the door opened just as I woke up, it was very hard for me to open my eyes, when I was able to open them, I saw Travis setting some bags down on the countertop.

"Travis?" I asked.

"Hey AC, good morning."

"Good morning, seems like you guys progressed a lot last night. Already sleeping in the same bed. I'm amazed."

"You know that we did nothing dirty or wrong. Lucky and I were never into that yet, and also Lucky thinks "Andree" likes him."

"You still haven't told him about it?"

"No, if he realizes that, I told him I think Andree likes him very much, so he's going to know I like him when he figures it out."

"Alright, I'm assuming you guys watched... On The Wings of Love?"

"How'd you know?"

"Even if Lucky forgets his memory, that show will always somehow comeback into his life. Just like it did for you."

"Yeah, what did you bring?"

"Oh, I got some food from McDonald's. You hungry?"

"No, not yet. Thanks. What are your plans for today?"

"I just came by to drop this off, I could stay for a bit, but I got to get some yardwork done today."


"So, how'd you feel about last night?"

"It felt almost like normal. It reminded me a lot of when we were in our room in the Philippines and just watch On The Wings of Love when we had nothing to do."

"That's good, you didn't tell him right?"

"No, still haven't. I will standby my word."

"Good, I think both your families will drop by later, luckily it was me who saw you and not them."

"Lucky was the one who invited me to the bed. I took the offer, but obviously we didn't do anything other than binge watching."

"I know, and I think your parents will know that too, but it would be harder to explain that situation to them than me."

"You're right..."

"Yep, you should eat now while the food is still hot."

"Should I wake up Lucky?"

"No, let him get his rest. I think he will wake up soon anyways."

"Hey-y gu-uys." Lucky said as he woke up yawning.

"Morning Lucky, I got you guys some breakfast from McDonald's. Take some hand sanitizer first at least before you eat." Travis said.

"Thanks Travis, when did you get here?"

"Only a couple minutes ago, the food is still hot, and you woke up just in time." I said.

"Yep, here eat now." Travis gave him the food.

"Thanks." Lucky said.

I got off the bed and into my wheel chair so I can go wash my hands first, Lucky could go, but he has an Ivy in his wrist, and he would need to take it out and get another one if he gets back up.

"So, how did you sleep?" I asked AC.

"Pretty good, thanks for letting me share the bed with you."

"I hope it wasn't awkward for you. Because I think that couch, you would have not been able to sleep on it."

"Maybe, I could always try."

"No, don't bother. You might end up hurting your neck."

"Okay, thank you again for letting me share the bed with you."

"Heh, heh, heh, heh." Travis winked at me.

"What?" Lucky asked.

"Don't even think about it Travis, he doesn't even know, and that's not what happened. I told you this earlier." I explained.

"What happened?" Lucky asked.

"Just don't worry about it... have you learned the health stuff yet?"

"Haven't gone into full detail of it, why?"

"You'll find out what we're talking about when you learn about it."

"What? I'm curious. What is it?"

Travis kept laughing, and I feel bad for poor Lucky, I thought he would have kept it to himself, but he almost made a dirty joke. I should've expected it already.

"If I tell you, you might end up losing your appetite. Just eat, and if you want to learn more about the health unit, just look at the books, and I'm pretty sure you'll get it."

I think Lucky already read the books, but oh well, I don't want his mind knowing what Travis keeps laughing at.

Manila, Philippines

Third Person POV

"You have your orders, now it's time for payback to deal with Lucky and AC." An unknown person said.

"We will get the job done sir. We will wait for them to recover before we make our move."

"You better deal with them accordingly. Make them suffer for what happened to the boss."

"Yes sir!"

"Remember, these visas only apply to Canada, if they get out of the country, we are going to be in for a huge problem, and you guys will suffer the consequences."

"We will make sure they don't leave Canada."

"I'm counting on you. Make our leader proud."

"Yes sir."

After getting off the phone, these individuals  boarded a plane with fake passports, and they were on their way to Vancouver, Canada.

End of the chapter, who are these men? I think you might know who the leader is, well things will start spicing up, and next chapter I am going to skip a couple days to when Lucky recovers and things will get more intense. Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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