Chapter 27

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My phone just triggered, exactly 5:30 AM, I feel so tired... I've never had to really wake up this early in a long time. I really want to go back to sleep, but I have to get up because I have school.

I stood up from my bed, grabbed my crutches, and went and got my clothes, and headed into the bathroom to get showered.

Lucky's POV

"Lucky! Wake up! You have to get ready for school!" I heard a voice say as I wake up.

I opened my eyes, and at the door was my mom telling me to wake up. I feel somewhat energized because I am excited to go to school, but I feel like this energy will only last for the first day, then it will be a normal.

I got up from bed, my clock showed it was 5:45 AM, man that is early. I got my clothes from my dresser, and headed to the bathroom to get showered and ready.


I think taking 15 minutes to shower, get dressed, and getting ready is actually pretty fast for me. Especially with my current condition.

I finished doing my hair, and put a little makeup, not too much because I don't want to be very obvious that I am wearing it. I finished getting dressed, and went downstairs, and I have to get my food. I'll just eat a bowl of cereal, haven't had that in awhile and I kind of wanted it.

I poured my cereal in, then the milk, then grabbed a spoon and prayed before I ate, then started eating.

I turned the TV on, I made sure it was at low volume so I don't wake anyone up, and started watching the news.

Looks like it's a sunny day, that's good and at least it isn't raining.

I finished eating my breakfast, and just continued to watch the TV till it was time to go. I'm going to walk to the bus station since it isn't that far, and I don't want to have to bother anyone.

Ace starts school later than me, so I don't think he will end up waking up before I go to school. I can hear someone walking down the stairs now. Who woke up?

I turned my head towards the stairs, and it was my dad that woke up.

"Morning Papa." I greeted.

"Good morning Anak, how did you sleep?" He asked.

"Good, what about you?"

"Good, I was going to make you breakfast, but I slept in. Sorry anak, I'll make you breakfast tomorrow."

"It's okay, you don't have to. I can just eat whatever we have."

"I haven't been able to really help you in months, it's the least I can do to make it up to you."

"Papa, you don't have to make anything up to me. I should be making it up to you because you helped me get this far."

"I know, but I'm your dad, and I haven't been by your side recently, now I am and I'll help you. What time do you want to leave so I can drop you off?"

"Oh no, it's okay Papa. I can take the bus."

"You're still using crutches, you will have a hard time on the bus. I'll drop you off till your leg at least gets healed."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, I know you wanted to see Lucky at the Bus stop, so we can go over to there house and ask if he wants to be dropped off."

"It's fine, I can always see him at school."

"Why don't you call him? See if he wants a ride or not. He also won't know anyone on the bus so I think he will be most comfortable with you."

"Okay, I'll ask him."

I dialed Lucky's phone number up, and he answered after a few seconds.

"Hello? AC?" Lucky asked.

"Hey Lucky, yes it's AC." I said.

"How are you doing?"

"Excited, how about you?"

"Nervous, I was going to ask if you want a ride to school? My dad is going to give me  ride, and you're more than welcome to join a long for the carpool."

"No thanks, I don't want you guys to have to go out of the way because of me. I appreciate the offer."

"You sure? We don't live far from each other,  and it we should be able to get there fast. Plus you don't know anyone on the bus."

"Okay, I can just walk to your house, just tell me when you will be leaving and I'll get there before."

"We'll pick you up at your house, just ask your parents if you can be picked up or not, if not that's fine."

"I asked my mom, she said it's okay, and thank you."

"You're welcome, we will be there in a bit. I'll text you when we are leaving. I'll see you soon."

"Thank you, see you soon!"

"You're welcome, see you in a bit."

I hung up the call, and I wasn't gonna lie, the main reason I wanted to go on the bus is to see Lucky right away, but I'll also see him like in all my classes. I wonder how he will adjust to school. I'm not even sure if anyone of the teachers have been informed or anything. So, they may think Lucky is fine, and it's back to normal. I might have to tell Lucky they may not know yet and I don't know if we should tell them or not it's not really my call to make, so to be safe, I won't say anything about it, but my classmates may know about it if they have been following us like on the news. As far as I know, we were only on the Filipino news channels, but it could've ended up going international and I don't know yet.

I told my dad that Lucky said okay, and we are going to pick him up in a bit. It's still too early to be going, so we'll wait till it's time to go.

End of Chapter, Thanks for reading and First Day of school will start next chapter, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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