Chapter 19

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Lucky's POV

AC and Travis came back to the room, I feel like something is off with AC. I don't want to ask her because it would seem like I'm offending her even more if I haven't already.

Three Hours Later

Everyone is talking about everything, I've just been listening into everyone's conversations. So it's basically the parents in one conversation, my brother and Ace in another conversation, and AC and Travis in another conversation.

"Since Lucky can't go with us to dinner, we will bring dinner here instead." My mom said.

"Will there be enough room here?" Tito Arnold asked.

"Yeah, there's plenty of room for all of us. This room is bigger than most other medical rooms, and most of us would be able to fit on the table over here."

"Alright, we'll all go get food then."

"AC, stay here with Lucky okay? Travis will also stay with you so Lucky isn't by himself, and I know it would be hard for you to go with us anyway." Tita Cherry said.

"Okay mom."

"We will be back okay guys?" My mom said.

"Okay po." AC and Travis said.

"Okay mom." I responded.

They all went out of the room, and now it's just me, AC, and Travis here. No one has decided to talk yet, so I think I'll be the one to break the ice and start a conversation.

"So, how have you guys been?" I asked.

"Good." Travis said.

"Pretty okay, how about you?" AC asked.

"Great, thanks." I replied.

"Do you feel okay? Like anything feel different or wrong?"

"I wouldn't really know what would feel wrong, but I've been feeling the same since I've waken up, so I think that would be normal. What about you?"

"Me? Well, I'm fine."

"When will your leg heal, and how long have you had that?"

"I've had it for like a week or two. I should be able to walk pretty soon."

"That's good. Do you mind if I ask you questions because I want to get to know you more like how I knew you before all this happened."

"Yeah, go ahead."

"How did we get to know each other?"

"Mainly through school and dancing together."

"Did I ever pick on you or bully you?"

"What? No! You never had, and never even thought about it. We do tend to joke around with each other sometimes, but if you did, I probably would've never been here."

"You're right, but I just asked a question that came to my mind. What about how close was our friendship?"

"Close. Really close."

"Like... Were we more than friends?"


"Uh are you okay AC?" I waved my hand towards her to get her attention.

"What? Oh, no we weren't."

"Alright... you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Okay, I feel like there was someone who did like me."




"Yes, Andree. Travis told me earlier, and he said that we were really close best friends and I feel like that we were closer than that. Do you know who she is?"

"I do actually."

"Really? Were you friends with her?"

"I certainly am 'friends' with her."

"That's cool. We should all meet sometime. I wonder why she hasn't visited me yet if we were bestfriends."

"Maybe she's just waiting till your discharged?"



I don't know why I haven't given away that Andree is me, but I kind of want him to figure it out by himself. He never connect two and two together. Does he really think AC is my real name? I have grown to it though, being called AC. I don't really here my first name being called much anymore. AC is basically what I go by.

Travis seems to be here, but not here. He's paying attention to the conversation, but never has really talked yet. I would've thought he would have said something when Lucky mentioned my first name.

"Travis, what are you doing?" I asked.

"Just looking at Instagram on my phone." Travis replied.

"What is Instagram?" Lucky asked.

"Instagram?" I asked.


"It's an app that you can use to socialize with people and see what they are doing."

"Wow, that sounds cool. Did I own one before?"

"You did, but I don't know how to get it for you. I don't know your password which is used to get in and use your Instagram account."

That was a lie. I know his password. Though, if he ever finds out about his profile, he will find everything out, so I can't let him on his yet, and I don't even think his parents know his password. I'm the only one who knows Lucky's password, though they can always reset the password.

"Okay, I think it will be awhile before I can use this 'Instagram'. I don't even know how to use this phone." Lucky said.

"This phone?" I showed him my phone.

"Yeah, that looks like the one I have."

"I'll show you how to work it some other time. There's alot you have to go through in order to use it."


Ending the chapter off here, so far Lucky has not connected AC and Andree are the same person, when will he find out? When Lucky finds out what will he do? Find out in the next couple of chapters!

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