Chapter 42

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We just finished shopping from five stores. Nike, Under Armor, New Balance, Gucci, and Jcpenney. We are going to one or two more stores, then we are going to get lunch.

I didn't end up getting anything from New Balance or Gucci. New Balance, I didn't find anything I liked, and Gucci was just way too expensive for me right now. I could afford to get like a new purse or something, but I don't need it. I have one already that is just as nice, and I'm not crazy rich. I'll probably save my money on like the new iPhone or something like that.

Lucky found some shoes he liked at New Balance, and that's all he got from the stores so far. Ben and Travis got shoes from New Balance, and they both got Gucci Belts. Those were really expensive, and I don't know why they wanted that, but it's there money and they can spend it on that. Both of them were actually the ones who persuaded us to go to the store, and mostly everyone said no at first because no one was going to buy anything, but they convinced us that they're might be something we want in the future. So we went and they immediately got the belts.

We got like 2 more stores in mind before we go eat lunch at the food court. The two stores were thinking of is Michael Kors and Adidas. The Michael Kors is closer to us so that's the one we went to first. I didn't find anything I really wanted. Lucky actually found a couple things he wanted. Jeans, a belt, and a couple shirts. He spent quite a lot of money on that store. He actually spent more than Travis and Ben, but only slightly more than them.

"You got a lot of stuff Lucky." I told him.

"Yeah, I figured I might need it in the future. Also I think I was running pretty low on nicer clothes to wear out anyways." Lucky replied.

"As long as you think you spent it well then that should be okay."

"Yeah, I feel like I spent it well."

"Good, you don't want to spend your money recklessly. That definitely would be like one of the worst things to do because it's always good to save money incase there is something you need in the future."

"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks."

"Yep, no problem."

After we were done shopping at the Michael Kors, Erika and Kyla actually also got some stuff there to. A couple shirts and pants.

We went to the Adidas store, and I think this is where I'll be spending most of my money. Not too much of it because I don't want to overspend on clothes. I have a good amount at home already, but I need more incase I run out at some point.

Lucky pushes me around the store, I got a couple sweat pants, jogging pants, three hoodies, two shirts, and two Adidas hats. One black hat and one white hat.

"That's alot of clothes AC." Lucky told me.

"Yep, I needed more clothes so might aswell get them now."

"Do you need help carrying all of them?"

"Nope, I could just hold most of them and also you could just put them on the back of the wheelchair."

"Yeah that's true. There's plenty of room in the back."

I finished buying my things, paid for it at the register, and put most of the bags on the handles of the wheelchair while I carried some of my other bags. Dhao and Clark bought some stuff here too, I think mostly everyone bought at least one thing on our little shopping run.

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