Chapter 50

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We were being transported to the airport on a flight to the USA. I can't believe exactly how this is happening all in just one day. Just going home from school, then someone breaks in, then were at the hospital, now were going to the airport, and later were going to be in the US. How exactly did we manage to get us in this situation in just a matter of a day. I hope Lucky is doing okay. With his past memory all gone, I don't know what exactly he's thinking about right now. Does he think this is a lot for a day?

We're in separate cars right now, we all couldn't fit into one car, and they got a whole convoy for us which I am surprised. This stuff isn't normal, and I would think that this would never happen in our lives, but it happened, and we have to learn how exactly we live with it.

Vancouver International Airport

It didn't take very long for us to arrive at the airport, however we were not taken to the gate where we would normally be. Instead we we're taken into the back of the airport where all the service vehicles and places we would not be normally be at or a normal civilian. I've never been to the back of this airport before that was not outside the plane, and the vehicles stopped by a plane that looked like one of those small private planes, however this one was slightly bigger.

This plane had no logos or anything regarding that a company made the plane or anything, I assume that this is a sort of government plane or something along those lines.

"We are here." The driver said as he opened the car door, and other officers opened our doors.

We got out of the car, and we all regrouped up together by the side of the plane, then they opened up the door of the plane.

"This plane will take you guys from here to the United States. The American agents will be handling you guys when you get there, and they will tell you exactly what will be happening for however long this issue is until it gets resolved."

"Where in the United States will we be going?" Tito RoRo asked.

"Well, the place selected was to be a suburban location so it doesn't very too much from your original lifestyle, and so that you are not completely off the grid. We are sending you guys to the State of Illinois along the Midwestern/Eastern part of the United States as they would be least likely to look for you on the eastern half rather then say if we sent you to California." One of the officers explained.

"Okay sir."

"This is as much as we know as the American agents will be handling what will happen in the US. They will give us the exact details when you get there, but we can not discuss exactly what will be happening as this is for the Americans to decide."

"Okay officer."

"Well, I wish you guys stay safe, and for this case to be resolved soon."

"We pray for the same. Thank you officer."

The officer nodded, and then we boarded the plane, and there were some other officers on board already.  We took a seat in the middle of the plane, I sat next to Lucky, and then it didn't take awhile before we ended up taking off.

"You doing okay?" Lucky asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine how about you? You're the one who got injured today, and also this must be extremely strange for you." I said.

"It is pretty strange. All of this. I didn't really know exactly what to do in this situation as this is new for me, but I thought this would also be new for others because this isn't really normal for people."

"Yep, this is new for me too. Hopefully this gets resolved to because this whole situation is not good."

"So what's in this United States that we are going to?"

"It's a country that we're going to, and it's a well known country to say the least. We've actually been to where we are going before, we had a vacation at that city before and it was when I lost my memory and we had a reunion."

"Oh wow, how big is that city?"

"Pretty big. It's one of the biggest in that country, and I liked it there. Though I don't think we will be living in the city, somewhere out close to the city but not exactly there. Kind of like how we live right now, we live close to Vancouver, but not exactly in Vancouver. It's called a suburb."

"I think I'm going to need to study more on geography. I want to know more about the US because it seems like we will be there for awhile."

"Yeah, it can be quite a while. I'm not sure how exactly long it will be, but it can be very long or very short."

"Let's hope we go back soon."

End of chapter. Thank you for reading, and today is AC's birthday. So I wanted to at least get this chapter out by her birthday. You guys can wish her a happy birthday via her social media, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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