Chapter 43

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Lucky's POV

We're going to go eat lunch now at the food court. We bought a lot of stuff, if we include all of us. I bought like nothing almost compared to what Travis and Ben bought. They like crazy, and there's no way I'd be able to spend as much money as them willingly like that. They got Gucci belts which were super expensive compared to the other clothes and belts I got which were not as much as a Gucci belt.

Also AC and I have matching sunglasses now, and I think that's pretty cool. When we take pictures together now, we are going to have matching sunglasses in the outside photos.

We got to the food court, we combined some tables here so that all of us can be sitting together as one big group. Erika, Travis, Clark, and Dhao went to go get food and use the bathroom while we watched the tables so no one would take them. They got chinese food, japanese food, american food, italian food, desserts, and a couple healthy options scattered throughout the airport.

"AC, do you want me to get you food? Or do you want to check out what you want?" I asked.

"I'll just check out the food. Plus you don't know what to do so I can help you if you end up getting lost." AC replied.

"Get lost? What will I get lost with?"

"How to pay, what the order numbers are, some things you may not remember how to do."

"It's like school right?"

"Sort of. It's like paying at the store, you actually probably know how to do everything fine, I'll just go with you incase though."

"Okay, when they get back the rest of us will go."


The first group, just finished using the bathroom, and theg also got their food, now it's our turn to go wash our hands and stuff, then get food. Kyla helped AC out in the bathroom, I washed my hands in the men's bathroom, then we met back up outside and we went around to see what food we wanted.

"Do you see any food you like?" I asked.

"I got a couple choices." AC replied.

"Which ones?"

"Either Chinese food, or Subway."

"That's good. I think I might get Ramen, American food, or I might also get Chinese food."

"Do you like the Ramen here?"

"I haven't tried it here. I've tried ones from a restaurant, and those are really good."

"Maybe don't get the Ramen here."

"Why not?"

"Personally I don't like it from here. You could get it from here if you want, but that's just my personal preference."

"Okay, I won't. I might not like it either. I think I'll just go with eating Chinese food."

"Same, what do you like?"

"I like eating the noodles, orange chicken, and bourbon chicken. What about you?"

"I like eating the same thing, but I eat it with rice instead of noodles."

"Okay, then let's order."

We ordered our food, but instead of AC paying for her food, I paid it for her. She didn't notice that we were paying, and I just paid for both of our food at the same time.

"Lucky, did you pay for me?" AC asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"Did you?"

"Yeah, maybe."

"I told you that you didn't have to pay for me. Though I do appreciate it and thank you."

"You're welcome. I just felt like I should pay for it for you because I want to take care of you."

"Okay, but next time we eat out, I'm paying."

"Alright, whatever you say!"

I'm not going to let that happen though because I'm just going to pay for it again next time.

We got our food, went back to the table, AC and I prayed before we ate, then we all started eating.

One Hour Later


We finished eating lunch, we're all just talking to each other now, and I think were about ready to rap things up and call it a day. I called my dad and told him that we are finishing up now.

I finished my call with him and he said he will be here soon. Our rides were all on different ends of the mall. Dhao, Travis, and Kyla were being picked up from the East entrance. Ben and Erika being picked up from the Jcpenney entrance. Lucky, Clark, and I being picked up from the North entrance.

We all bidded our goodbyes to each other, then we went on our own separate paths back to each entrance.

Lucky, Clark, and I continued to walk and talk because we were all going to the same place. Though it was a lot less quiet with the rest of the group not here. I'm actually surprised we didn't get warned by security or anything like that because I think we were causing quite a big noise problem, but I could be wrong and we weren't.

We got here at the entrance, and no one's ride accept for Clark's was here.

"Do you guys want me to stay till your rides get here?" Clark asked.

"We're okay. I can watch AC. Just go so you don't have to keep your ride waiting." I said.

"Okay, hope you guys had a fun day, and see you soon."

"Yep, see you soon!" Lucky and I replied.

Unknown POV

"They're alone now, let's move before we miss the opportunity."

End of chapter, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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