Chapter 26

15 1 2

30 Mins Later


Lucky just finished making the Mac and Cheese, and after taking my first bite of it, it was delicious. It could have turned out bad, but Lucky did a really good job following the instructions.

"This is really good Lucky. Thanks!" I smiled.

"You're welcome. Glad you like it." He replied.

"Why don't you have some?"

"Sure, I'll go get a bowl."

Lucky grabbed a plastic bowl and put some of the Mac and Cheese on the bowl and ate it with me at the table.

"You're right, this is good."

"Were you doubting yourself?"

"Yeah, after all you said it yourself, it is my first time cooking."

"I did say that but still, this is pretty easy to follow, and you were a pretty good cook back them to."

"I'm going to try making something else next time, I feel like that was a little too easy."

"Like what?"

"I'm not sure, I got to see."

"Alright, after were done with this, what do you want to do?"

"Maybe just watch TV or unless you want to go out or something, though I don't think it would be easy for you to go out like that."

"Yeah, not really go out. Maybe just watch TV, and we can play some games."

"Okay, sounds fun to me."

We finished eating our Mac and Cheese, Lucky put all the food and cooking stuff away before sitting down with me on the couch and watching TV.

"Hey AC?" Lucky asked.

"Yes?" I responded.

"Since tomorrow is the first day back at school, I was wondering about some questions about the school that you may have the answer for."

"Sure, go ahead and ask."

"Were we in the same classes?"

"Yep, for most, if not all of them. Can't quite remember exactly."

"Really? Isn't it rare to get like almost the exact same?"

"It is, might be easier if you ask for a schedule change so you get specific classes you want, but we didn't ask for anything and got it randomly."

"What are the chances of that. Man that's pretty good chance of that."

In reality, Lucky and I have gotten like most of the same classes for awhile now. Lucky told me that both while we were in middle school and high school, the principals and councillors knew us, so they always tried keeping us in the same classes. Lucky and I apprently would always thank them. I think we also thanked them already this year too. Luckily Lucky told me this before he ended up losing his memory, because I wouldn't have known this, and he thinks he's the only one who knew about it, but there can be others.

"What other questions did you want to ask?"

"Um, what else... oh yeah, what was the scariest thing that happened in the school?"

"Well, we got trapped inside the school because of a blizzard. Wasn't really that scary, but that was like a new experience."

I don't know if I should tell him about that terrorist attack, because on one hand it was scary, and on the other hand he will end up finding out anyways, and I guess it's better if it comes from me than anyone else.

"Anything else? Sounds like that wasn't the worse thing because of your voice."

"There was one of these terrorist attacks at the school, but it's nothing to be scared about because it was a one time thing, and it shouldn't happen again."

"What is a terrorist attack?"

"People basically who destroy or do stuff they don't agree with like countries like the UK, France, US, and others."

"I don't think it was too scary, though I don't remember it at all, how bad was it?"

"We both ended up in the hospital, but it won't happen again because they won't be coming back."

"I know, the police are usually very good at taking out and arresting bad guys."

"This doesn't make you scared one bit?"

"No, it's the past, at least I know what I am aware of, and what to do incase that thing may happen again. What I do worry about is things I don't know and I don't know how to be prepared for that."

"That's good. I would be the exact opposite. You're pretty brave."

"Thanks, I'm assuming I got it from my old self?"

"Yep, I think you learned new things though that could also help you. Not sure exactly what it is, but I know for sure you did."


Several Hours Later

AC's family and my family ate dinner here again, and then they left, it's currently like 11 PM, and I can't sleep. I keep thinking about school, what it will be like, how I'm going to try and reintroduce myself to my friends, and everyone else. AC said she'll help me with that tomorrow, and she said we had like almost the same classes so at least she can help me. I also keep wondering who is this Andree person, and if I did like her or not. It's probably best if I don't ask anyone because people might get nosey, and watch as if we weren't in a relationship and then the whole school will know.

Though, I would of expected her to at least visit me. If we were close friends. Though, I'm not in charge of everyone's lifestyle, and I'll see her again tomorrow anyways. I wonder what she looks like. I probably should have asked AC, but it's too late now, I'll just have to wait till I get to school tomorrow. I wonder how AC is feeling.


I can't sleep as usual whenever it's a school night, I end up sleeping at a later time, but I was trying to get at least enough sleep for tonight, looks like I can't. I'm just both too excited and nervous about school, that I don't know what to do.

For the past few minutes, I kept going on my phone, and about to text Lucky something, but I don't know if he's asleep. He use to stay up, and I would always text him if I am bored and he would answer, but I don't know if he still kept that habit or not.

I'll just keep staring up at the ceiling till I eventually fall asleep...

End of chapter, tomorrow is Lucky and AC's first day back at school in awhile, how will things turn out for them? Stay tuned for the next chapter!

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