Chapter 44

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We were waiting for our car to arrive, it was taking a bit, but we just waited.

A quick movement broke the silence and suddenly, Lucky feel swiftly to the floor, and when I was able to turn my wheelchair around, there were 2 people pointing guns at us.

I quickly held my hands up, and kept thinking about Lucky. If this is how we die, I will be with deep regret not telling him his past of us and also lying to him of what really happened.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Nothing." One of them spoke.

They had all black clothing, and even a ski mask so we couldn't tell their faces, but I'm pretty sure this is the same guys from school.

"Then why are you pointing your guns at us?" I asked.

One of the men walked off, he grabbed a phone from his pocket, and was on a call I believe.

"If you really think that you can just get away with leaving our boss in jail and be okay, you're wrong. If you think about trying to report us to any law enforcement, you know what will happen. We know you already did so at the hospital, but one more report and you guys can kiss your lives goodbye."

"Actually, one more thing." The other guy said.

"What." Lucky said.

"You admit that you photoshopped the recording and this all goes away." He pointed to Lucky.

"What recording?" Lucky asked.

That was the wrong answer. Lucky actually doesn't remember but they don't know that.

"Listen here kid! Don't play dumb with me! We will give you 3 days to consider your options. Admit to everyone you made those recordings to fabricate our boss, or you can choose an alternative option to no longer exist."

"Don't think of trying to get any smart ideas. You have those two options. I think you will know what will happen if you get the police involved."

"Your three days start now."

The masked men walked out of the exit, and I tried to help Lucky get up while still in my wheel chair, and he was able to get back up.

"Are you okay?" Lucky asked me.

"Yeah I'm fine, what about you? You're the one who got knocked to the ground." I said to him.

"I'm fine. What do we do now and what was he talking about for that recording thing?"

"We shouldn't talk about this here. We need to discuss this else where."

I saw Lucky's mom pull up to the front, and Lucky pushed my wheelchair to the front, and Tita Angelica got out of the car.

"Hello guys!" She said.

"Mom, can AC ride with us? It's urgent." Lucky said.

"Yes she can, but is someone picking her up?"

"Yes, but it's an emergency. I'll tell my dad." I said.

"Shouldn't he be here soon?" She asked.

"Mom, we can't leave her here, we need to go because there is an emergency that has happened, and we should discuss this with our and AC's parents."

"Okay, hop in then."

I looked toward the parking lot where the masked men ran towards, and I don't see them anywhere in sight, I think they left, but now I have to basically sleep with one eye open now because something could happen at any point.

I called my dad and told him that I got a ride with Tita Angelica and Lucky, and told him to meet me at their house because it's an emergency.

"What is this emergency about?" Tita Angelica asked.

I highly doubt that they have hacked into our phones or anything like that. I didn't want to say anything in public because they could hear us, but I think the car is safe.

"Someone threatened us." I said.

"What!?" Tita Angelica jumped in astonishment.

"They pointed guns at us and wanted something from us."

"Okay, just tell me the rest for when we get home. Everyone should hear this at the same time."


The rest of the car ride was silent, I was weary if there were any people on our tail, and none that I could see. Sometimes I wish to just have a normal life, where we don't have to worry about anything, and we are basically nobodies except to the people around us, rather than everyone knowing us and sometimes being in grave danger.

We got to Lucky's house, and Lucky helped me out of the car, and we went inside the house, I think my parents should be here soon, this is going to be one heck of a conversation that could change our lives forever.

End of Chapter, thanks for reading, and stay tuned for the next chapter! It's time for things to start changing...

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