Chapter 7

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We finished eating all the dessert, and I'm surprised we were able to finish all of that. I'm stuffed, and I've never ate such good desserts in awhile. My stomach was practically craving for some sweet food. I always kept telling myself that sweets are not good for you anyways, so it's healthier not to eat them, but then I just couldn't help myself now.

"Well, I think we should get going now. It's starting to get late." Awra said.

"Okay guys, thank you so much for coming here. We hope to see you guys again soon." My mom said and gave them goodbye hugs.

"Bye Sam. Bye Awra. I'll miss you guys a lot, and hopefully you guys come to Canada soon." I said.

I tear rolled down my eye, because I won't be seeing them in a long while, and I think they definitely saw it.

"Aww... Ac, we will come and visit you soon. It will be like we never have really been apart." Sam said.

They both hugged me, and I hugged them back. I let another tear roll down my eye, and I enjoyed the moment of us here holding each other.

"We could always facetime or video call whenever. We will always be around to do that." Awra said.

"Thanks guys. I'll be sure to get in touch with you guys somehow whether it be Skype, Facetime, or any of the other ways we can. I hope you guys stay safe here, and I'll come back here again. Sometime, I just don't know when yet."

"Take your time. We won't be going anywhere."

"I'll take your word for it." I smiled.

"Want one last picture before you go?" My mom asked.

"Opo!" We said.

Awra and Sam were on both sides of the bed I was laying on, and we all smiled for the cam, and I made a ✌ sign to the camera, I like doing that a lot. I winked one of the pictures, and we did a funny picture at the end where I couldn't really do much from this position, so I tried making a funny face by sticking my tongue out, and making some  funny facial expressions. Awra and Sam's expressions were funnier by a landslide though.

"Bye AC, and bye Tita Cherry!" Sam and Awra said.

"Bye Sam and Awra." My mom and I replied.

They went out the door, and it was silent. Though it is time to get ready to sleep, because tomorrow is a long day.

"Are you going to sleep now?" I asked my mom.

"Soon. I just need to finish some stuff for work, and I'll go to sleep." My mom said.

"Okay, I'm going to start getting ready for bed."

"Need help?"

"No thanks, I'm fine."

"Okay, if you need help, just say something."

"Okay mom."

I got up from the bed, got onto the wheelchair, and into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, and did my daily night routines, then went back onto the bed and laid back down.

My mom is working on her work laptop, so the lights won't be able to be turned off yet. Though the lights aren't too bright to go to sleep, so I'll try to sleep, but it will be easier for the lights off.

I forgot to pray, and since the lights are still on and it's hard for me to sleep, this is the perfect time for me to pray.

"Lord, please help Lucky and I finish recovering. Protect everyone, and watch over my mom and I as we leave tomorrow, and thank you for all the blessings, Amen." I prayed in my head.

My mom just finished up her work, and she shut the lights off here in the room. Now, I could sleep easier.

As I kept trying to fall asleep, I would always keep thinking of Lucky. I shouldn't worry too much anymore. I will be leaving tomorrow, and there would be no reason to worry. I feel slightly more at ease knowing I'll be able to see him soon.

The Next Day

Today is the day. It's around 7:30 AM here, and today is the day we are leaving. I think I'm going to be discharged soon, like probably in a couple hours maybe around 9 to 11.

My mom is not here right now, I think she is getting breakfast for us. She must have woken up really early, because she would have had to shower and everything before leaving.

I can't wait to continue on with the rest of the day...

AC will be getting discharged soon, definitely next chapter, and we will be seeing more progress. She should be leaving for Canada soon in the next few chapters, so keep up with the story to be updated!

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