Chapter 33

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"AC! AC! Are you okay?" I heard a voice call out to me.

I opened my eyes, and tried focusing my vision a lot, and it was Travis.

"No... My leg... It's in so much pain!" I said.

"Just stay calm, everything will be fine. The ambulance will be here soon."

"How's Lucky? They-y hit him hard and he got knocked-d out."

"I'll go check on him too."

"Lucky? Lucky? Wake up!" I heard Travis say and started clapping his hands together to try and wake him up.

"He's not waking up."

"They hit him pretty hard. Is he still breathing?"

"Let me check... Yeah, I can feel a heartbeat."

"Good, Thank God. I don't know what I would do if he was gone."

I picked myself up, and tried getting up, but I instantly fell back to the floor and I'm in even more pain.

"Ugh!! It hurts even more!"

"AC! Don't move until the paramedics arrive. You might end up hurting yourself even more."

"I should have done that to begin with. Ugh!! It stings so much."

Other teachers and the school officer entered in the classroom, they started asking me questions like if I was okay and stuff, basically what Travis already asked me earlier.

I assume that Travis got escorted out, I didn't even get a chance to thank him for helping. I want to move closer to Lucky, see if he is alright, but after my first attempt at getting up, I don't think there's going to be a way for me to get up until the paramedics arrive.

After a couple minutes, the paramedics arrived, I saw them lift Lucky on a stretcher, then took him away, then they lifted me on a stretcher and started pushing me towards the exit. I looked around, saw some people looking at me, also some tried filming it, but they were mostly blocked by school staff.

I got put into the ambulance, and headed out toward the hospital. I'm not sure if my parents got notified yet, but I feel bad because it wasn't that long that we got back and now I'm going to the hospital again.


They unloaded me off the ambulance, into the Emergency Room, I was put in the ER along side Lucky, I can't do anything but just see him from a distance. He's still unconcious, but his vitals are normal. I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if something else bad happened to him.

I couldn't tell what else was going on other than they were checking on him to make sure he was okay. From what it seems to me, he only got knocked out. Though he needs to be monitored a lot incase there may always be that one thing that gets by undetected then causes him a huge problem.

After a couple minutes, I was brought to a different room to get X-Rayed for any broken bones or anything else. After the X-Ray, they told me that my leg is broken, and it will take awhile for it to heal. The same leg that was already in pain, and it's still in pain, earlier they already gave me some pain killers to ease the pain more so it isn't that bad.

"You have visitors who are going to be with you soon." The nurse said.

"Oh? Who are the visitors?" I asked.

"Your parents and Mr. Ancheta's parents. We contacted them, and they said they will be there way."

"Okay, thank you nurse."

I can't believe this is happening again. I wasn't in a hospital bed not too long ago, and so was Lucky. Now we are back in a hospital again.

Knock Knock Knock

"Come in." I said.

The door opened, and it was an officer.

"Hello." I greeted the officer.

"Hello, I'm Officer Lee with the Vancouver Police Department. You're Miss Bonifacio correct?" The officer asked.

"Yes, that is correct. I'm AC Bonifacio."

"Is AC your first name or is that just a nickname?"

"Nick name. My full name is Andree Camille Bonifacio."

"Okay, I'm just here to ask you questions regarding what happened earlier today in that classroom."

"Yes sir, whatever you would like for me to answer."

"Okay, I'll start off with did anyone of them tell you their name?"

"No, they just threatened us with their gun. They told us they wanted to scare us."

"Huh, and us means Mr. Ancheta correct?"

"Yep, they knocked him out on the head by hitting him with the gun, and then I charged them, but they knocked me to the floor and broke my leg by slamming it against the desk."

"Scare you guys? Is there a reason for them doing this?"

"I believe I have a theory to whom and why these people did this."

"Really? I'm all ears."

"Okay, so we were in the Philippines not too long ago, and I was involved in this sort of scandal and blackmail I didn't commit, but looked like me, and a guy which is the boss threatened to release it to everyone if I didn't follow his demands, then Lucky got rid of the thing they were going to use to blackmail me with, the guy got arrested, and this might be his men going after us."

"Okay, sounds quite odd especially for just living in Vancouver, well I'll write that down, is there anything else you may know?"

"They said they will be back."

"Okay, I'm sure they won't be breaking into the hospital, I'll let my supervisor know, and I'll get back to you guys in a bit."

"Okay, thank you officer."

I'm surprised the officer didn't know who we were. Mostly everyone in Vancouver knows who we are, but that doesn't really matter. It just surprised me.

"Ugh... What happened?" I heard a voice say.

I turned over to the other side and saw Lucky waking up.


End of Chapter, sorry it took awhile, I'll try and get the LA Reborn Chapter up today aswell. Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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