Chapter 28

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I started getting my bag, and also made sure I have some extra pocket money incase if I wanted to buy a lunch or something, I do have a sandwich I packed, but it's always good to have a little bit of extra money incase of emergency.

My dad told me to get in the car now because we are leaving, I went back upstairs  and said goodbye to everyone, even though they are asleep. I made sure not to wake them up.

I got into the car, and my dad started driving to Lucky's house. I called Lucky to tell him we are on the way, and he said okay.

We just arrived at his house, I got out of the car, got my crutches and my dad and I walked to the front door and rung the doorbell.

The door opened, and Lucky and Tita Angelica were there to greet us.

"Hello AC! Hello Arnold!" Tita Angelica greeted.

"Hi Angelica! Hi Lucky!" My dad replied.

Lucky and I also greeted each other and our parents.

"Would you guys like to eat? I made some breakfast for Lucky, and there's still a lot."

"Thank you Angelica, but no thanks. We just had breakfast before we left."

"Okay, well then good luck in school and have a safe first day of school!"

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome, have a good day guys!" She started waving.

"You too! Thank you!" My Papa and I replied.

We waved goodbye, and Lucky, my dad, and I made our way toward the car, and we sat in the backseat.

"So, ready for school?" I asked.

"Pretty nervous, but yeah I'm ready."

"That's normal. Tends to happen to everyone. I'm even feeling nervous too."

"I thought I might've been the only one."

"No, I'm pretty nervous. I might not seem like it, but I am."

We kept continuing our conversation till we got to the school. We are earlier than usual, but my dad had to go somewhere so he dropped us off in front.

"Good luck guys! Have a nice first day in school!" My dad said.

"Thank you Papa! See you soon!" I replied.

"Thank you Tito Arnold! See you later!" Lucky said.

My dad drove off, and Lucky didn't know where we were going right now.

"It's actually a good thing we got here early, because I can walk you through the school and show you all your classes and where you have to be incase you lose me."

"Okay, that sounds good. Let's go."

Lucky and I walked into the school, and I started walking him through all his classes. He followed close attention to me and I think he probably knows now. Though, I'll let him go through where all his classes are to make sure he knows where he is going.

"Here Lucky, you go through all the classrooms in order just so I know you know and you won't get lost."


Lucky has a pretty good memory. He remembered where to go with all his classes in order. Pretty soon he will remember how to navigate the entire school again.

"You're correct. I'm surprised you remembered it that quickly."

"Haha, I'm surprised too. I expected that I would've got one of the rooms wrong, but I somehow was able to remember it."

"That's good. Here let me take you to your locker. Also you have a gym locker and unfortunately I can't help you there because it's guys only and I don't know your locker there."

"What should I do?"

"Ask one of the gym teachers that you forgot your locker number and combination, then they should be able to help you."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome. Now, let me show you your locker and I can show you my locker too incase you ever need to put anything in there."


I walked Lucky to his locker, and I made sure he wrote down his locker number and combination on his phone. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who knows his combination, so no one should have used it. Same with mine, I only shared my combination with Lucky.

"Okay Lucky you wrote that down?"

"Yep, and how do I unlock it?"

"First turn the dial counter clockwise to the left to the first number, then turn it clockwise to the right, and make sure you past the 0 first before going to the next number, then turn in counterclockwise to the left again to the final number and pull it to see if it will unlock."

"Alright, let me try."

Lucky follower my instructions in order, and he opened it on his first try.

"Nice, I thought my instructions would've been bad but you still were able to unlock it."

"Your instructions were easy to follow. Thank you."

"You're welcome, let me also show you my locker incase you would need to use it."


My locker is not that far away from his, we walked there, he took note of both the combination and the locker number, and he was able to open it without any problems.

"Alright good. Always remember to lock the locker so no one can steal your stuff. I know you already know because you locked your locker, but I thought it be best to remind you."

"Okay, thanks."

"Anytime, let's head back to the cafeteria because we still have some time left before school starts, and that's where we would normally hang out with our friends."

"Okay, let's go."

End of Chapter! Lucky is able to now get to class by himself in the event he needs to by himself, and he will start meeting his and AC's friends next chapter. Well, hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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