Chapter 37

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The Next Morning


I slept quite well and early last night. I don't know how and what really got me to do it, but I got a good amount of sleep. I feel pretty energized. I checked my phone and it's 9:00 AM. Lucky is still asleep, there was food for me here though on my table stand and a note on it.

Good morning AC! I got you some food from the cafeteria around 8:30 ish, hopefully when you wake up it's still warm. Incase I fell back asleep, I thought I should write this note just so you know. Well hope you enjoy your food.


He got me a bowl of oatmeal, fruits, milk, and a granola bar. That was thoughtful of him. I mouthed the words thank you to him, he isn't awake right now, but I will be sure to thank him when he does wake up. I started eating the oatmeal with the plastic spoon Lucky got along with the other stuff like the fork, knife, and napkin.

The oatmeal was still soft and warm, it was nice to eat. I turned the tv on at a low volume so I don't wake up Lucky.

I continued to eat my oatmeal, and I just watched the news on the TV. There wasn't much to really watch anyways, and I like to keep up to date with what is going on.

"You're up early." I heard Lucky's voice say.

"Oh hey, yeah I woke up at around 9 and good morning." I replied.

"Good morning AC, so I'm assuming you saw the note since your eating the food I left out for you?"

"Yep, that was sweet. Thank you for that, but you didn't have to do that."

"I couldn't really make breakfast, not that I really know how to make breakfast but I have this urge to for some odd reason. Also I wanted to do it for you because you're the patient and I want to help you."

"You're not a nurse though, you don't have to do that, also you use to cook breakfast alot so that's probably why you feel like you have to make it."

"Huh, didn't really know about that. Was I a good cook?"

"You're cooking was amazing. I didn't really see you cook because I would either not be there yet or still asleep."


"Yeah, sometimes we'd sleepover at either of our houses with our friends and you would be the one to cook breakfast."

I'm glad I played that cool. I was freaking out on the inside because that was like signaling we use to sleep with each other, and we did alot and luckily I was able to play that off and not look like I was lying.

"Ah, okay I should try cooking sometime. Maybe tomorrow?"

"You would've just got out of the hospital. Take some time to rest first, plus we still have school and we're going to have to go back to school."

"Oh yeah, that's right. Maybe next week or so."

"Okay, I can help give you some basic tips, and what I remember what you would do cooking, but I didn't really see you cooking that much so I'll try to help you out as best as I can."

"Alright thanks."

"You're welcome, did you eat yet?"

"Yeah, when I went to the cafeteria to get you your food, I got something too and just ate it before falling back asleep."

"Okay, why don't you go back to sleep? It's still pretty early."

"No thanks, plus you're up and I'm going to help take care of you."

"Thank you, but I'm not really going anywhere except for when going to the bathroom, and I don't really need to do that at the moment."

"I'd rather just be awake so that if you need help with something, I can help you then me going to sleep."

"Putting others before yourself. That's sweet."

"Yep, bestfriends would do anything for their bestfriend."

Ouch, that hurt. I thought we were sharing a moment, and that kind of just bit me back.

"Mm hmm." I said.

Later On That Day

"Well, looks like everything is okay, just need your parents to sign the discharge papers, then you will be good to go." The doctor said.

"Okay, thank you doctor!" I said.

"Do you know when your parents will be here?"

"I talked with them not too long ago, they said they are pretty close by so I imagine not that long."

"Okay, glad to see you are better, and hope you have a great day."

"Thank you Doc, you too!"

"At least now you'll get to go home." Lucky said.

"Finally another day in this hospital and I would've lost my mind."

"Hehehe, you prefer school then being in the hospital?"

"Yeah, I could at least I could move around freely in school. Here, I'm basically confined to a bed and to the bathroom when I need to use it."

"True. I'd actually prefer that to."

"Thank you for being by my side. You're a really nice guy."

"Th-Thank you." Lucky started blushing.

I didn't respond to his blushing. I don't think he knows what that is, and it's funny to see his reaction and him not knowing it.

End of Chapter, sorry for the long wait, and hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next chapter! Also hope everyone is doing well during the pandemic and is staying safe!

The Forgotten Past 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें