Chapter 3

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"She is ready to be discharged tomorrow." The doctor said.

"Okay Doc. Thank you." My mom said.

"She will probably still need a wheelchair or crutches to walk around, because her legs aren't fully ready yet to keep her walking."

"Okay, I'll be sure to get one of them before being discharged tomorrow."

"Okay, have a good rest of your day!"

"You too."

The doctor walked out of the room, and my mom and I are here now.

"Which one will you like to use? Whichever one you don't want to get now, I'll get it when we get back to Vancouver." My mom asked.

"Maybe the wheelchair. I haven't really used crutches that much and I think I need to practice with them." I replied.

"Okay. I'll go get the wheelchair. Are you fine here?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay here."

"Okay, here I got you some McDonald's for lunch."

"Thank you mom."

"Okay, I'll be back in maybe an hour or so anak."

"Okay mom, take care."

My mom left, and I started eating the food she had left here. There is like a moving table that moves to my bed, so I could eat. I had to eat some other special hospital food the first couple days I woke up, because my stomach wasn't ready to eat solid meals like Jollibee and stuff. The hospital food didn't taste very good at all. I wasn't very good at hiding that I disliked it, but the nurses seemed to also think its wasn't good at all.

I turned the TV on, and just watched whatever is on right now. Looks like it's FPJ Ang Probinsyano. I'll just continue to watch this, probably until my mom gets back, then I'll probably watch a movie or something with her. We've been watching movies for the past couple days, because that was the easiest way to kill time. I still got to get my clothes, and other things that I brought here back at the hotel. I probably won't be able to look at our room over there the same again. Not after I had to hide. That was like the second scariest thing that I have ever happened to me. The first, was watching Lucky suffer. That broke my heart.

I finished eating my food, and I'll just continue watching this, I'll probably fall asleep before my mom gets here though, so I'll just relax.

Vancouver, Canada

Ace's POV

I can't believe what's happening to Kuya Lucky. He's in the hospital, and all I know is he is hurt very badly, and he still isn't awake yet. I think I heard that Kuya Lucky might not even remember us. I hope he gets better. Both him and my Ate. My papa told me some bad people hurt them, and my ate is still in the Philippines. I hope she gets home soon. I want to see her right now so I can give her a huge hug, because I miss her.

Kyla's POV

I can't believe that someone would ever do this to anyone. Especially, I can't believe this would happen to someone I would closely know. Lucky. I've known him ever since I joined Fresh Groove, and I wouldn't ever believe this would happen to a fellow Fresh Groove dancer. Lucky is still in a deep sleep, and he's stable right now, but I don't think it's looking too well right now. Only time will tell, and I pray for him, and AC to get better. I can't see the Lucky Aces like this. I did tear up a bit, but I hid it. I think AC is doing better then Lucky at the moment. I hope she is, so she can come home. I know they would probably end up going home after this. It is a bad tragedy that should have not happened.

"How are you holding up Kyla?" Travis asked.

"I'm doing well. I just can't believe someone would actually do this." I replied.

"I know. The world is dangerous nowadays. If you can't handle being in here, you can wait outside."

"I'm okay. Do you know anything else about Lucky?"

"Nope, afraid not. We're all on the same boat at the moment. Lucky won't be able to remember anything, and we're going to all have to reintroduce ourselves later on when he wakes up."

"Okay, you know anything about AC's situation?"

"Nope, nothing still. I hope she comes back soon. I miss her."

"We all do Travis... We all do..."

AC is being discharged tomorrow, and finally she will be able to reunite with Lucky. Though, Lucky is still in a Coma, and needs to be under constant medical supervision. Do you think that the Doctor's are correct about Lucky losing all his memory? Will he remember AC? If he doesn't remember AC, how will she react? Find out soon...

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