Chapter 38

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Three Days Later

Unknown POV

"Sir, they are back at school now."

"Good, and next time don't send them to the hospital. That was not the right time, we want them to fear us, and sending them to the hospital every time won't do it."

"What should I do sir?"

"Scare them first, then when you are given the go ahead, then you can start moving to physical force. You were not suppose to do that the first time and now you got law enforcement searching you guys."

"Don't worry sir, they won't figure out who or where we are."

"They better not. If you get caught, you know what will happen to you guys if the Boss finds out."

"Yes sir, we know."

"Okay good. Now when you move on them next, make sure it is off school grounds. Just keep monitoring them and if they go out somewhere, then that's when you make your move."

"Okay sir."

1:00 PM

Lucky's POV

After the whole incident at school, they have made sure to check everybody to make sure there are no random people that got into the building. They basically put the school under a strict protection and AC and I have thanked the Principal because we don't want that happening to us or any of our classmates again.

I asked my parents if it would be okay if I hung out with my friends this afternoon, they said yeah it would be okay, I think we're all going to the mall. I'm just finishing up the rest of my homework, and now I'm finished.

I put my school stuff away, and went to the bathroom to get showered, then got dressed, and fixed myself and now I am ready.

Maybe I would get to see Andree at the mall? She must be in our friend group right? If not, I think I'll ask AC if we were friends with her. I want to know who she is because if we were that close, I think she would've showed up already and she would've said something. I also get this feeling that she doesn't even exist, but I have no reason to believe that Travis and AC would lie about something like that. It both would make no sense, and also what would the point be in that?

If I do see Andree, I would probably have so much questions for her, I would probably lay it straight out if we dated because I don't want it to be that awkward thing that I forgot we dated and now the friendship/relationship is all weird because I forgot.

If AC and I were a thing, I think she would've told me from day 1 that we were. I could imagine a scenario like that if we were. My heart tells me everything would be okay and not to freak out, but my mind would probably tell me to do the exact opposite because how did such a pretty girl end up with me? I'm actually also not sure if she's with Travis or not because I haven't actually asked.

I really need to stop thinking about this, and I should really just be doing something else. I'll just use my phone for the rest of the time before my mom drops me off at the mall.

Not until a couple days ago, I didn't know what a group chat was, turns out I had quite a few on this app called Snapchat. This one called Fresh Groove is the one that has all of us and when someone asked if we wanted fo hangout at the mall. I did notice AC in the chat, still didn't see Andree, but why is she going? Her leg is not fully healed and she still has to be in a wheelchair. I think I should text her to see if she is okay.

L- Hey.

A- Hi Lucky! What's up?

L- Just checking to see how are you doing?

A- I'm doing well, what about you?

L- Good, is your leg feeling better?

A- I didn't really notice much of a difference, still in the wheelchair and getting my leg to heal takes a long time.

L- Yep, to think it was already almost healed.

A- Yeah! It's already about healed, then next thing you know, I start back from the beginning.

L- It seems worse though then what it orginally was.

A- Okay, maybe I went into the negatives, but I should hopefully be able to use the crutches again soon.

L- You said you're going to the hang out later right?

A- Yeah, are you?

L- Yes, but are you sure? You're still in the wheelchair.

A- I'm fine. Just only confined to the wheelchair. Besides, I want to get out of the house anyways.

L- You might get hurt, you sure I can't talk you out of this?

A- Lucky, thank you for caring about me, but I am desperate to get out of the house. Being in my room or in my living room for hours isn't helping my mental state, and if I stay here any longer I think I'm going to start going insane.

L- I mean, you've been to school.

A- Yeah, but I don't really get to have much fun in school. Also I dont want to goof around in school either.

L- Okay, you sure you don't just want me to go to your house?

A- Why? Why don't you want me to go to the mall?

L- I just don't want to see you get hurt.

A- That's sweet, but don't worry I won't. I'll be safe.

L- You have a ride?

A- Yeah, my dad is going to drop me off.

L- Okay, I'll wait in the front for you. I don't want you to be alone.

A- Now you're starting to sound like you're my dad or an overprotective boyfriend.

L- I just want you to be safe.

A- That's what both of them would say.

L- Just think of it as I'm your overprotective bestfriend that doesn't want you to get hurt more than you already are.

A- Alright fine. I'll see you there.

L- Yep, see you there.

End of chapter, Lucky is really being protective to AC, she doesn't want anything bad to happen to her, and the men are starting to survey their every move. Wait to see what happens next in the next chapter!

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