Chapter 5

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Vancouver, Canada

RoRo's POV

Lucky has been in a Coma for the past couple days, and the doctors do not know when he will wake up. All they know is his body is okay, and but his brain will suffer Long Term Memory loss, like AC had. They don't know how bad the memory loss will be, but they know at very least he will forget most people and places in his life. I'm saddened that my son had to even experience this. No parent ever wants to see their child in harms way. It will break their heart. It happened when I first heard about it back in the Philippines. Everything just happened, and now we are at this. I hope he gets better soon.

Everyone but Travis left. Angelica had to take care of Cartilos so they went back home. Travis asked if he could stay here, and I said it was okay. I'll probably stay here until he wakes up. I can't leave him again. Now that this happened. I must protect him. I wasn't there to protect him when he needed it, so I must do so now.

"Da- Dad?" A faint voice called out to me.

"Lucky!" I said.

Travis' POV

Lucky! He's awake! It can't be! Thank God! I have so many emotions going through me right now, and I don't know what to feel! He's out of his coma.

Tito RoRo went to get a Doctor because he needs to tell him that Lucky is awake, and I'm left here with Lucky. I'm preparing for the worse. Knowing he probably doesn't remember me.

"Hey Lucky." I walked up to him and greeted myself.

"Hi, who are you?" He asked.

That hurt. I knew him for a long time, and he has no memory of me. It's not his fault he doesn't remember me. He did take the risk, but he did it for a good reason.

"Travis. Travis Lim." I told Lucky.

"Nice to meet you Travis. You do look familiar." Lucky responded.

I look familiar to him. Parts of his memory are still there. Just like AC. She hasn't remembered though either, but that's good. He might be able to remember everything again in the future hopefully.

"I went to your school. Probably saw me in the hallway or something." I lied.

I wasn't sure whether to break the news to him or not. To be safe, I did not. I'm not sure if the doctors or even Tito RoRo and Tita Angelica want to tell him everything that happened yet. Though no one also knows about what Lucky did, other then me and technically Brace, but they don't know I was involved. I don't know if I should even tell anyone. The person I'm thinking of telling is AC. She should probably know about it, and when she gets back, I'll tell her at some point.

Tito RoRo and a couple of Doctors and nurses came inside the room, I started moving back, and sat back on the sofa while I let the doctors do their work.

I could hear them questioning Lucky quite a lot, and Tito RoRo moved little bit towards the back to let them do their work, and Lucky doesn't seemed to overwhelmed by them. At some point though, he will start questioning what happened, and why can't he remember his past, and why is he even in the hospital in the first place.

Lucky's POV

Where am I? How did I get here? And why are there so many people crowding me? I have zero clue where I am at, and who these people are. I saw my dad, but the rest of these people, do I know them?

They kept asking me many things. They told me to keep breathing in and out, how do I feel, if anything hurts, and what do I remember?

Truth is, I remember nothing. How is that? I met this guy named Travis before all these people came in. He seems pretty cool, I wonder why he was watching me here in this bed.

Few Mins Later

Travis' POV

Lucky had been moved somewhere else. The doctor said they had to do more scans on him, and what exactly has been effected, and they pushed him on the medical bed out of the room.

It seems like he still remembers a good portion of his memory though. He was able to speak in proper English, but didn't know what he was laying on, or exactly where he was. He basically remembers things from like his early life, probably till around 1st Grade or Kindergarten maybe. I remember his parents would always say he was smart for all of his school career. He excelled in his classes, he probably just doesn't remember the advanced stuff. Like multiplication, division, or even his dancing. He did dance, but not the moves he is use to. He didn't have AC yet, and wasn't apart of Fresh Groove yet.

I can't imagine how AC will react to see and find Lucky like this... Things are repeating all over again...

How do you think AC will react when she sees Lucky? How do you think she will react if Lucky has forgotten her? Do you think Lucky's memory can be restored if he sees AC? The next chapter shall reveal more and more information...

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