Chapter 17

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Lucky's POV

"You knew a lot of people. Also made many friends in school." Travis told me.

"Really? Okay, what else?"

"You tried your hardest in school. Just like you are now. You haven't seem to lost that. You liked to dance a lot too."

"I didn't think about that. I thought I was more of an athlete who played sports."

"Umm... Not really. You didn't really play sports too much, and no one judged you on that. In the beginning, maybe... However you were a really good Hip Hop Dancer. One of the best in the school."

"Wow. I'm amazed. Did I compete at all?"

"Yeah, actually me, you, and a bunch of other people were in a group called Freshh 2.0. We came close a couple times too."

"That sounds fun."

"It is. You and Andree were always the best."

"Andree? Who is Andree?"

"Oh..... Uh.... Andree..... her name is Andree Bonifacio. You were best friends. Closer then we were."

"Closer? Were we...... dating?"



"Oh, well I'm not sure. If you were, you never said anything. So, she can only tell you that."

"I would be ashamed to ask her that. If we were dating, I'm sure she would be saddened not to remember our relationship."

"Just don't think about it. It wasn't your fault. If she ever visits you, which I'm pretty sure she will, you don't have to ask her that if it makes you feel uncomfortable."

"Yeah I know, so you said that we were like the best?"

"Yeah, best in the studio, best in the school, practically best in the town."

"I don't know if I'll be able to do that again, seems difficult."

"I know it does, it will be like starting from square one. However, it is still with you, and it will soon feel like 2nd nature."

"I hope so. I don't want to let anyone down."

"You haven't let anyone down. You're just trying to get back into the flow of things. You'll be fine.

Everything that Travis said seems familiar, but at the same time, I feel like he made part of it up. Only to cheer me up, and me seem like I was good. I want to 100% believe it, but I don't really. Also Andree. I feel like there's something he's not telling me about her. Her name seems familiar, but I don't remember that name when I hear that name. I remember something else. It's a super short word that I believe has two letters. AC. Air conditioning? No, no, no. That definitely doesn't seem right. Calling someone an air conditioner seems insulting. I better forget that before I keep my mind on it.

Travis' POV

I feel like I screwed up and told him too much. I don't know what got to me, calling AC by only her first name. Andree. I guess that was by brain telling me something, not to say anything about her. I made sure not to spill the beans on pretty important events. The kidnapping, being shot, AC being blackmailed, and most importantly, their relationship. I feel like if I told him that, he would be pressured to tell AC he is sorry that he can't remember, and also might feel ashamed about himself. It's best he not know for now, and he starts anew. I very much want Lucky to know, but he can't right now. Things are too recent, and he can get overwhelmed by thinking too much.

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