Chapter 15

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Lucky's POV

Man, everything is so hard to learn... I just had to learn all this "math" and also these new and complicated English words for the past few days. I know I should know this already, and I wish that I would just be able to remember what happened. My friend that I met when I woke up, Travis talked to me about it. I didn't want to believe it at first, but I need to come to realize that I don't remember really anything from the past few years. He told me I was in a bad car accident, and I had just woken up from it.

I can't imagine how bad the car accident was. I want to know now everything. Of what happened in my life. Was I a straight A student? Was I a trouble maker? Who else was I close to that I can't remember? I keep trying to remember the accident and try to picture it, but I can't remember a single thing. It frustrates me. I can barely work this device that I apparently had which is called a phone. I remember using some devices, but not this one that is so different. Apparently this got destroyed in the accident, and it had to get replaced. I was hoping this thing could have helped me remember my past, and find out who I was.

I could ask someone, like my dad. I did ask my dad, and he has told me some stuff about my life, but I want to see and remember myself. All I can really go off of his words that I've done this, I've done that, and I do trust them, but I want see like a video or a picture to help me remember. Because when I try to visualize what people tell me, it is too hard to picture it, rather then seeing it.

Did I have a girlfriend? I don't believe so. I feel like I wouldn't have been interested in one, and if I did, I'm not sure how I would have pulled it off. If I did have one, what would I tell her? Would she break up with me? I'm thinking of too much about myself.

This device that I did have, which is called a phone, seems to be very futuristic. I don't know how to use it. My dad told me that all the memory got lost because it broke in the accident, but I still have even figured how are what to do with it. He asked me if I knew how to use it still, I said yes because I didn't want to look like I completely forgot everything, but I did and now I have this rectangle screen that I don't know how to use.

I should maybe go to sleep soon. It's getting late, but I still have time. Might as well keep reading these books so I can learn more what I previously knew.


We finished eating, and we dropped everyone at their homes, I loved that dinner. Hadn't had pasta in awhile, but now I am stuffed. We are very close to home now.

"Have you visited Kuya Lucky?" I asked Ace.

"Yes Ate, we only visited him while we was still sleeping though. We haven't visited him when he woke up yet." Ace replied.

"Oh, was he fine?"

"Yes Ate."

"Hopefully I'd be able to visit him soon."

"We should ask Lucky's parents first. We could visit their house tomorrow, because I'm pretty sure that they can't wait to see you to since they couldn't make it tonight. Also we need to get your crutches tomorrow." My mom said.

"Okay mom." I said.

We arrived at home, and I was helped out of the car by my parents, and into the house. Home sweet home. I missed this place so much. My parents got the luggage out of the trunk, and into the house. They put mine in my room upstairs.

"You might want to get some rest, it's been a long day and you must be exhausted." My dad told me.

"Okay Dad, yeah it's starting to get late and I'm really tired. I'll go to bed now. Thank you guys for putting my stuff away, and I missed you guys so much."

"We missed you too Anak, good night, I'll help bring you upstairs."

"Thank you Papa."

My dad lifted me up the stairs, and into my bedroom, and he also got the chair and brought it up here.

"If you need anything else, just let me know." My dad said.

"Okay, thank you Papa! Good night!" I replied.

"Good Night."

Ace and my mom also bidded their good nights, and now I am here in my room. Man I miss this. It's been so long since I've even seen my room.

I changed out of the clothes I've been wearing for the day, into PJs, and I think I'll just worry about unpacking tomorrow. I'm too exhausted to try and unpack, and I just want to get some sleep.

I rolled my wheelchair to my bed, and got onto the bed. I prayed first before sleeping, and after praying, I fell straight into the pillow, and I was out cold. Zzz... Zzz... Zzz...

End of Chapter. Lucky and AC will be meeting each other soon, and as soon as this happens, what would AC's reaction be? Find out more in the next coming chapters.

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