Chapter 4

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Manila, Philippines


I took a nap after I watched the TV show, and my mom had gotten back earlier I think when I was asleep. She fell asleep too on the couch, and I hadn't waken her up yet. The wheelchair she got me was pretty standard to other wheelchairs, then again I'm not trying to look cool while riding a wheelchair. That just seems weird. At least I'll be able to have something to go around in when we go back tomorrow.

Awra and Sam are going to visit later I think. I told them today is the last day I'll probably be here, since I will be discharged tomorrow, and they asked if they can visit me one last time before I go, and I said yes, were probably going to have dinner here. The visiting hours still stretch after dinner time, so that should be okay.

I still haven't figured out what Imaginary Lucky told me inside my head while I was still in the Coma. Dead, but not dead. I just hope that's not true, and he's still okay. I'll never be able to remember my childhood past with him, but I'll cherish the memories of when I first met him of the memory that I still have. The day we met at that bus stop.

It sounds so stupid now though, me not knowing back then AC stood for my first and middle initial, Andree and Camille. I got so confused with people calling me AC. I thought the person they were referring to was probably cool like an Air Conditioning unit, but that sounded kind of weird which is why I was never going to tell anyone that.

Also, my parents allowing me to sleepover with someone I literally just met the first day basically of school. So much happened that first day. Lucky and I already slept on the same bed, I did end up believing Lucky, and I'm glad I did, because that was correct. There could have been someone else I met that probably would have known me, but then tell me wrong information. By sheer coincidence Lucky and I met. The fact that we also kissed the first night, also kind of disturbs me that things went by extremely fast, but that was mainly because Lucky missed me so much.

Never had it really occurred to me, of what I was thinking when I first woke up from the car accident. I had like no memory of anything, and I think I assumed that I had a bad memory, which is why I couldn't remember much at all. It's too bad though that I am not able to remember any of it. The Dance Kids, being on the Ellen show, performing with Ariana Grande, or even practicing at the Fresh Groove studio before all of this.

Lucky is the sweetest person in the world though. When he proposed to me to be his Girlfriend in Chicago, I broke into tears and said yes. He has protected me, which nearly costed his life, and I must return him. He is one of the main reasons I keep on going on.

Couple Hours Later

My mom had woken up from her nap, and she was hanging out with me for awhile, until she had to get more food for dinner. I think she's not really going far, so she should be here soon. She left like 10 mins ago, and Sam and Awra texted that they are on there way here.

I went to the bathroom not too long ago, so I shouldn't need to get up for another long while. I used my wheelchair for the first time ever, and it wasn't that hard to control. I would imagine Crutches to be harder to use, mainly because of having to balance, while the wheelchair is always on the ground.

I use to always need Assistance to go to the bathroom, because I couldn't get up from bed without help from someone. I'm at least able to get up now without anyone's help.

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