Chapter 49

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The police kept the house surrounded, they were unable to determine if they were still inside the house or if they left, so they called in SWAT units and then they stormed the house, and eventually found out they had escaped.

I found all of this out hours later, it took them until the evening for the situation to get resolved. About 10 minutes after we escaped from my parents' house, the ambulance arrived, with the cut through Lucky's wrist, he was going to need stitches and I ended up going with him to the hospital because they wanted to check both of us incase for any injuries we were unaware about, but I don't feel anything unusual that happened with me. I surely would've felt something if one of them harmed me like cut my neck or something.

When we finally got to the hospital, they briefly checked if there was anything wrong with me, just like a general physical of when I would normally get every year and they determined that I was okay. Lucky only had a problem with his wrist, and they did stitch it up, during that time both our parents arrived, wondering if we were both okay, and for the most part, we were.

Today stirred up alot of attention around the block, and also in the local news. They broadcasted a video clip of the SWAT teams in front of my parents' house, and I noticed I got plenty of text messages on my phone, and they were all mostly from my friends, and some from extended family members who saw it on the news. They all asked what happened and if I was okay, and I said I was fine, but I couldn't really say anything about what happened. The news reporter stated they didn't know much yet, other then the fact there were two masked people who broke into my parents' house with two individuals inside and no one was killed was all they could confirm. I'm sure that more information would probably go out later, depending if the news people find us or not, and also this surely would change everything.

After we were all checked out and good, one of the RCMP officers came in.

"Hello both Bonifacio and Ancheta Family, it's me Officer Lee again and I now I have came to you to discuss your current situation." The officer said.

"Of course officer." Tito RoRo said.

"First off, is everyone okay? I know that Mr. Ancheta and Ms. Bonifacio have been checked out, but is everyone else good?"

"We're all fine."

"Alright, that's good. Then we can discuss what must be done."

"What exactly officer must be done?"

"Well, given that the the Bonifacio Family household was broken into, this means they are dangerous, and also the fact that Mr. Ancheta here got injured. This would most certainly mean that both families would need to relocate somewhere else for the time being as you both have a threat of which we do not know what else they could do."

"So does that mean they escaped?" I asked.

"Unfortunately, yes they escaped. They left before we could secure the scene, and we don't know what else they are capable of."

"They must've pick locked the front door because the door was already open."

"This is likely because the recon unit didn't arrive until 20 minutes before the scene unfolded, there was no activity going on until you both came running out."

"So what do you suggest we do Officer Lee?" My dad asked.

"Well, we have been coordinating with American Intelligence Agencies as they have caught a particular interest for this situation, and given that we do not know exactly what they are capable of, we are recommending that you be transferred to the United States as this would potentially put us one step ahead of the the culprits, and given now that they know you are involved with Police and potentially the RCMP, they may be out to kill you."

"What if we just relocate somewhere else in Canada?" Tito RoRo asked.

"Well, the thing is with you being relocated to the United States, they have approved of cooperating with this investigation and they have much better funding and resources then the RCMP. They also believe that the group hunting you guys down could potentially be much larger then we anticipated, so both FBI and CIA would be cooperating in both keeping you guys safe, and stopping the threat that exists to you guys and potentially both the US and Canada."

"I understand this may be a big leap for you, as we do not know when this could end, maybe a day, maybe a week, maybe even a year or a couple years."

I think we all came to the understanding now that we should accept this, and follow what they have to say, because we don't want anything wrong or bad to happen to us or anyone else.

"Okay Officer Lee. We all came to the agreement that we will accept the relocation to the US."

"Excellent, we will have a detail ready to pick you guys up in a few minutes and ready to travel the Vancouver International Airport."

"What about our stuff?" Tita Angelica asked.

"Unfortunately your houses are not secure at the moment, and it is unsafe for you guys to go back there at this time. We will provide you some funds to get started along with what must happen, but for now you will have to say goodbye to your old past life, and more details will be given to you once you have landed in the United States."

This is the end of the chapter, this certainly is a drastic turn in the chapter, and a new part of the story will start to begin, sorry for the long wait with these chapters, I've been busy quite a bit the past few weeks, and I will try to post more frequently updates. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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