Chapter 47

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Lucky's POV

It's been a few days since we were all at the police station, and my parents said to basically never step a foot outside this house. I asked them about school, and they said that I'll just miss a couple days before going back. I thought for a second that this was cool because I didn't have to go to school, but then I also missed my classmates and friends. Also I still have to do school work that I missed so I am still doing to school work regardless.

I've been talking texting AC alot because she is the only one I can really talk to in my age group that is out of class the same time as me because both our parents decided the same thing. I've been eager to hear about the story of her boyfriend and what else happened, but she said she will tell me the next time we see each other. There have been so many questions on my mind that I want answers to, but no one has given them to me. I just wait until they tell me what happened, and so far they didn't really tell me much other than I was involved in it, and the accident wasn't really an accident, it was something else that they didn't go too much into detail on.

I wonder how exactly I am involved into this and what exactly happened back in the Philippines.

Unknown POV

"Sir, they have not showed up to school for a couple days now." One of the men said.

"Has there been anything suspicious going on at their houses' the past few days?" The man on the other line said.

"No sir. It seems to be like normal. No strange behavior."

"Okay good. You must be aware at all times. Make sure they do not contact law enforcement or anything because the moment they do, we'll have to resort to plan B."

"Yes sir, but how do we know if they just call the police rather than going there?"

"We were planning on this, and it will be sent to your hideout in a couple days. You will need to plant them inside the house which means you're going to need to break into their houses, and the best way would probably be to wait till everyone is gone, or you sneak in there at night which would be risky and potentially more difficult."

"Okay sir, we will observe a way to perform the set task, and we will be waiting for the equipment."

"Good, now I think this is relatively makesense, but don't get caught. If you get caught now, then we will definitely have to resort to plan B, and if plan B fails, well you better hope you guys are long gone, or we find a Plan C."

"Yes sir."

"Alright. Keep me updated."


Being inside here is so boring. I can't talk with anyone physically, I've been able to text Lucky, but it's not the same like being with him. I know this is basically just to keep us all safe, and I won't go out and defy my parents orders because this could basically be like a life or death situation, and I don't want to make that mistake.

Hopefully this situation ends soon. I don't want to have to fear for my life, nor do I want others to fear for their life either.

One Week Later

Third Person POV

RCMP Black Unmarked Van at Bonifacio Family House

"Sir, we have identified a vehicle and potential suspects that could be related to the Bonifacio and Ancheta case." One of the officers said.

"Excellent. Now we monitor if this is truly the suspects, and once confirmed, we tail them to their hideout, and get more additional information." The officer replied.

"Okay sir."

"It is important that we do not blow our cover, if we do this than the families will be in grave danger, and we would have to take a more direct approach."

"Yes sir."

"Run the plate on that car, and try to get a description on the men inside the car."

"Sir, we were able to get plates, they came back as registered plates, and are clean. The men inside are too covered up. We can't get any description on them."

"Alright. Get a unit to check out the address the plate comes back to. Make sure the car isn't stolen. I doubt they are truly this stupid to register the plate to their hideout, but we should always take that into consideration."

"Yes sir."

Unknown POV

"What's the status of AC and Lucky?" The person on the other end of the call asked.

"They not been at school. We've done digging around and it is presumed that they have both came down with a bad sickness." The person replied.

"Both? At the same time?"

"This is likely as they both hang out with each other a lot."

"Okay. Where have you gotten this evidence?"

"We've been eavesdropping at the school and monitoring specific sites that Lucky and AC's friends usually are at and bugged those spots. Nothing seems to be suspicious at the moment."

"Alright, that's some good progress. Have you  contacted one of them yet to see what their decision is?"

"No sir, not yet."

"Alright. Wait another couple days. This would surely freak them out even more. They might think that they missed it and you guys would still take them out, or something a long those lines. Just keep playing it out a little while longer, than prepare to ask them their choice weather they choose to cooperate with us or not."

"Yes sir."

"Also have you planted the bugs inside their house yet?"

"No, there is always someone inside the house. We can not do so yet until they are all out of the house."

"Okay, as soon as they start going back to school then go ahead and plant them."

"Yes sir."


"Sir it appears one of them is communicating on their phone, except we can not get any detail to what they are saying."

"Do we have the long range microphone with us?"

"Nope, we did not bring it with us."

"Make note to bring that next time along with other surveillance equipment. We will need those with us the next couple days."

End of chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and stay tuned for the next chapter!

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